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Everything posted by joakim00

  1. Hello! I like to which all a nice and a good Happy new Year and i hope everybody will have a nice and good 2009! Best regards Joakim Gustafsson
  2. Hi I wounder if there is a free webbhost site where i can publish my page on! im not so good at this so i wounder if someone can help to publish my site,i dont which pages and php and Databases who i will uppload on the page! I hope there is someone out there who can help to create a page? Best regards Joakim Gustafsson
  3. Hello! I have a virtual airline called Iberia Virtual airline! I wounder if someone can help me to create a nice skin for the site! Here is the address?
  4. No i dont have any aircraft with the same name! I put it by hand in the PHP myadmin page! So it works that way but not in the admin section! Best regards Joakim
  5. It says There was an error adding the aircraft Best regards Joakim Gustafsson
  6. Aircraft ICAO:A320 CodeAircraft Name/Type (i.e B747-400):A320-219 Full Name (Boeing 747-400 Combi):Airbus 320 Aircraft Registration:EC-JFN Link to download aircraft Link to aircraft image Range Weight Cruise As i understand this must filled in to create an aircraft but it seems that is not working to add an aircraft : Can anybody help to add Aircraft
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