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Everything posted by Walker29

  1. We have found out it was "Aaron Readle"
  2. Thanks for clearing that up for us Thomas, Can I ask how many of those emails were sent to you?
  3. Ok, I am the CEO of HumbersideVA and thanks for all your comments there, I did not send that email, Alot of VA's are getting that email claiming to be me. The email people are getting it from is humbersideva@hotmail.co.uk and I do not own that, Genuine emails from my VA come from something@humbersideva.co.uk or my personal one @walker29.co.uk Me and the CEO of Delta Virtual Airlines are trying to find out who's sending these out. So far I've had Flight Sim UK, Delta and GoAirUK get that email. I have had to put a notice up as my main page.
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