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Everything posted by 4961301

  1. Of Sure, because if the VA like the mine wants more control in flights, will be great, you can add a option. if want's with the bookings, or not. Regards, Ademilson de Jesus Junior www.voemegavirtual.com
  2. I understood, but that is how I'm going to have a control of the flights? If you do not have this function with the bids, it would be like having a VA charter flights. For a pilot of my VA could use any callsign (eg BAVXXXX). And his flight would be reported to the phpvms. Best Regards, Ademilson Jesus Junior www.voemegavirtual.com
  3. Yeeh, I know, but according to yours conditions of use above, I can customize my IPS, I just can not reproduze it, which I will not do and I'M NOT doing. Best Regards, Ademilson Jesus Junior www.voemegavirtual.com
  4. Hey people, I was making by myself an integration of IPS, and I can made the phpvms with bids work on IPS, so now the IPS Just can get the information if the pilot has made a bid (: Greatz, Ademilson de Jesus Junior www.voemegavirtual.com
  5. Heey people, I'm almost there ;] But I'm thinking if I'll sell this or not Joking E aaai gaalera :] Depois de horas de teste e taalz, acho que finalmente consegui :] Mais alguns ajustes e boa! Mas to pensando em cobrar por esse add-on eim Bricadeira.
  6. Fatal error: Class 'PilotShopData' not found in /home/whitejet/public_html/admin/modules/ShopAdmin/ShopAdmin.php on line 60 why show that? On the Overview
  7. Heey, First I would like to congratulate the organizers / founders of the system phpvms! Congratulations! Now I would like to ask an aid to wise. My airline is slightly different, the tourism businesses that hire the planes, not "passengers". And so I wanted to add the route this field of tourism business, for in selecting routes to fly, select tourism businesses, not aircraft, etc.. I do not know if I can post, buuut it http://www.whitejetsvirtual.com/ fully phpvms. thank you very much!
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