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maxwaldorf last won the day on June 23 2021

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  1. Ok found how to resolve it : In admin/index.php : Remplace line 63 to 85 by : //load the main skin $settings_file = SITE_ROOT . 'admin/lib/'.$tplname.'/'.$tplname.'.php'; if(file_exists($settings_file)) { include $settings_file; } Template::setTemplatePath(SITE_ROOT.'admin/templates'); Template::setSkinPath(SITE_ROOT.'admin/lib/'.$tplname); $BaseTemplate->template_path = SITE_ROOT.'admin/lib/'.$tplname; $BaseTemplate->skin_path = SITE_ROOT.'admin/lib/'.$tplname; $BaseTemplate->Set('title', SITE_NAME); Template::Set('MODULE_NAV_INC', $NAVBAR); Template::Set('MODULE_HEAD_INC', $HTMLHead); $BaseTemplate->show('header.php'); flush(); MainController::runAllActions(); $BaseTemplate->show('footer.php'); rename header.tpl to header.php and the same for footer... Edit : check inside header.php and footer.php there are remaining tpl sources... Edit 2 : all modules are calling for tpl files... need to change it too
  2. I corrected the index.php in the admin folder but the absolute path does not work either...
  3. Hey Nabeel ! Long time no see... I got an issue in admin section the headr / footer template are not loaded... The template file "/phpvms//admin/lib/layout/footer.php" doesn't exist in /phpvms/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 Notice the double slash...
  4. After a weeks of testing, the xuipc plugin makes things work correctly in xplane. The only plane not working until now is the A320 QPAC (plugin based fuel management). Could other x-plane users report bugs they could see with xuipc and kacars ? Cheers !
  5. Well, it works ok with some planes but there are still some bugs here and there... Don't know if the VS touch is working since I haven't tested it completely. Will keep posted ! Cheers !
  6. I tried that a long time ago but fuel and vs doesn't work... Only position reporting. I'll see if things changed but I have doubts... Keep you updated !
  7. Message for the dev, with X-plane growing, is there any chance to support X-Plane one day ? I might not be a coder but I know a few things about X-plane... Cheers !
  8. Ok but i think fspax is not really adapted to charter flights... Is it ?
  9. People seem to have issues with fspax... Is there a tutorial or something to help using it because I don't own it ! Cheers !!!
  10. Can someone confirm that FSPAX is working correctly with this version ? Thanks !
  11. Lorathon, You have to do something about the "run as an administrator" for your program under vista and 7... If your installer doesn't give you the possibility to remember the program status, maybe change it to "advanced installer"... Cheers !
  12. Already working on it with Nabeel, Seems that reported route fields are not correctly placed EDIT: Well, Route is entered correctly but reported as comment too... minor bug...
  13. I use X-Plane... So forget about kACARS !
  14. Still an issue with XACARS... Logs sent...
  15. Demo gives you access to LOWI aera... and full aerodynamics for 10min... As for terrain coverage, the 5DVD sceneries DVD cover from -90 to +90 lat and -180 to +180 long so... You have to test and see... If you have more questions, then !
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