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Posts posted by ACTCVA

  1. The host your using is a free host which PHPVMS has had issues with before. Those providers usually don't have everything setup correctly. I suggest you switch over to www.fivedev.net as it is built just for PHPVMS.

    Will definitely consider it. Thanks for all the help guys!

  2. XAcars isn't sending any data. Are you sure it's started the flight? It's only sending the flight plan request (which is a lookup), but no flight start/flight data

    Well xacars doesn't say its started tracking the flight when I click start ACARS and isn't showing the pirep data but when I try and click start ACARS again it says it is already tracking the flight (just to make it all the more annoying).

  3. In the l ocal.config.php put DEBUG_MODE to true, and in the /core/logs folder, make sure xacars.txt is writable. Then try turning on ACARS, see if anything comes in the log. If not, then XAcars isn't reporting to your server. If there is, pastebin the log file or send it to me and I can take a look

    Here it is: (the asterisks are my login password lol)


    Time: 09.13.10 12:27:38




    Time: 09.13.10 12:27:38




    Time: 09.13.10 12:27:39

    stdClass Object


    [id] => 3

     => ACC

    [flightnum] => 001

    [depicao] => YSSY

    [arricao] => YBBN

    [route] =>

    [route_details] =>

    [aircraft] => BOEING 737-8

    [flightlevel] => 0

    [distance] => 406.947

    [deptime] => 04:30 GMT

    [arrtime] => 06:00 GMT

    [flighttime] => 1.3

    [daysofweek] => 0123456

    [price] => 300

    [flighttype] => P

    [timesflown] => 0

    [notes] =>

    [enabled] => 1

    [bidid] => 0

    [aircraftid] => 2

    [registration] => VH-KHO

    [aircraft_minrank] => 0

    [aircraftlevel] => 0

    [depname] => Sydney International Airport

    [deplat] => -33.9461

    [deplng] => 151.177

    [arrname] => Brisbane Airport

    [arrlat] => -27.3842

    [arrlng] => 153.117




    Time: 09.13.10 12:29:22



    Time: 09.13.10 12:29:22




    Time: 09.13.10 12:29:22




    Time: 09.13.10 12:29:24



    Time: 09.13.10 12:29:24



    Also I should mention that the x-acars problem seems to be back again when I recorded those log entries. The program doesn't tell me its tracking and isn't showing the logging of the flight data below the acars message. Clearly though it is sending stuff to the server. I am starting to think that the problem is server related as a friend also experienced the same problem but his data was also showing up.

  4. I am using XAcars to track my flight but there is nothing on the live acars map. I have checked the database phpvms is using and have found that there is nothing in phpvms_acarsdata. As well I am using the configuration file generated by phpvms in the pilot area. Any ideas what is wrong?

    EDIT: Ok I watched the video in documentation section and now realize that when I hit start Acars nothing changes in the acars message box but the client claims to be tracking the flight already when I click on start acars again. I am very confused :x

    UPDATE: Ok managed to get XAcars working (don't know how but its working now lol) but still nothing on the live acars map on my website.

  5. Hi, I have tried to use kAcars with my VA but when I attempt to log in (with the correct details in the settings area) it gives me the following error:

    Website Warning Encountered

    Notify system administrator of the switch error.

    Data not recieved

    switch = verify

    What does this mean and how can I fix it?



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