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Posts posted by CVV001

  1. I have installed an old version of templates and modules of Screenshots center and all works fine ;-)

    for me now the problem is solved

    if necessary i can send a zip with the old 'modules and templates' and a modified 'ScreenshotsData.class' file that for me are now working...

    tnx to all for the support

  2. Pictures are uploaded and approved normally in a completely new va installation that have no problem with nothing other, including database/email functionality, all is fine and correct.

    I can see the data with phpmyadmin and the uploaded pictures in the browser.

    The server (Aruba) is an os Linux with MySQLi 5.5.45-37.4-l and php 5.5.31

    It is not a very important module for the va, if still does not work i uninstall it

  3. I have made an addition to the source code of "schedule_searchform.tpl" to obtain the desired search for a 'Flight Type' in Your VA

    <h3>Search Schedules</h3>

    <form id="form" action="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/view');?>" method="post">

    <div id="tabcontainer">


    <li><a href="#flighttypetab"><span>By Flight Type</span></a></li>

    <li><a href="#depapttab"><span>By Departure Airport</span></a></li>

    <li><a href="#arrapttab"><span>By Arrival Airport</span></a></li>

    <li><a href="#aircrafttab"><span>By Aircraft Type</span></a></li>

    <li><a href="#distance"><span>By Distance</span></a></li>


    <div id="flighttypetab">

    <p>Select desired flight type:</p>

    <select id="flighttype" name="flighttype">

    <option value="">Select Passenger - Cargo - Military</option>

    <option value="P">Passenger</option>

    <option value="C">Cargo</option>

    <option value="H">Charter</option>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Find Flights" />


    Now you must open and modify also the file located in /modules/Schedules/Schedules.php adding the part in red

    public function showSchedules()


    $depapts = OperationsData::GetAllAirports();

    $equip = OperationsData::GetAllAircraftSearchList(true);

    $this->set('depairports', $depapts);

    $this->set('equipment', $equip);


    # Show the routes. Remote this to not show them.

    $this->set('allroutes', SchedulesData::GetSchedules());



    public function findFlight()


    if($this->post->flighttype != '')


    $params = array('s.flighttype' => $this->post->flighttype);


    if($this->post->depicao != '')


    $params = array('s.depicao' => $this->post->depicao);


  4. maybe this means that you DONT have any inactive schedules. Well same happening with me. I think that because i dont have any INACTIVE schedules.

    Hope anyone else could help you on this.

    I think there is an error in the construction of the SQL Statements that must detect the active/inactive schedules because I have both schedules (active and inactive) but the result is that always the entire table is displayed (active + inactive)

  5. You should be able to use the native phpVMS mail function to add an email into the script. I would add it to the save new post command.

    Many TNX for the advice.

    Now my problem is solved with the above code in the file \core\modules\Forum\Forum.php

    in section 'protected function post_new_topic()'

    // Send a mail to the admin that a new post is inserted in the forum

    $sub = 'A new post was added in the forum';

    $message = "The pilot {$pilot_id} has added a post in the forum with the title {$title}.";

    $email = Config::Get('EMAIL_NEW_REGISTRATION'); // code from pilot registration



    $email = ADMIN_EMAIL;


    Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message);

    // End MOD sending mail

    since I have little experience with php i desire to send to the admin the name of the pilot and the name of the board but i have no idea where i can get this data...

    TNX - Gianni

  6. I am not sure what you are refering to, is this in the extended va-forum or the original? File, line #?

    Sorry, my mistake... I had read the code in an another file.

    My question is: it is possible to send an email when a new post is inserted in the forum ?

    //VAForum Original by:simpilot

    //VAForum Security updates + VAForum 2.0

  7. That's probably the best way to do it, change the 'Charter' to just read "Military' instead.

    It was done that way to be able to change the name

    After two months test with 'Military' instead 'Charter' the pireps sent are always treated as PAX :(

  8. The VA IVP is officially born 01/01/2011.

    After six months activity the registered pilots are 53 they can fly 83 schedules for SAR, CARGO, PAX, MILITARY and Aerobatics flights.

    our pilots primarily use Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, but the airline also accepts those who use FSX, with the support of a FShost and IBnetplayer (this only for FS2004).

    New pilots are welcome - for registration -> VA Italian Virtual Pilots

    *** Many thanks to the staff of phpvms for the great hard work ;-) ***

    Ciao and good wind to all simmers from the staff IVP and the CEO Gianni

  9. I have set this flight types in core/app.config.php


    'FLIGHT_TYPES', array(






    In the admin center - airline operations - add schedule, the dropdown list show correctly the Military flight type and is recorded on the schedule.

    When i bid this military flight and send the pirep with kACARS it is registered on the phpvms_pireps table as a 'P' flight.

    How can i solve this problem ? What is the program that receive the data from the bid and then write on the pireps table ?

    TNX - Gianni

  10. I have modified the template to display the results of passengers booking. The option "Add to bid" is permitted only if the flight type is for passengers ("P"). For Cargo or other flight types the "Add to bid" link is replaced with a message "Not for Pax".


    Here is the entire code to replace in the file core/templates/booking_results.tpl


    <p><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/booking">Search for Flights</a>    <b><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/booking/results">Search Results</a></b></p>

    <table width="100%" border="1px">


    <td><strong>FLIGHT TYPE</strong></td>










    if (!$allresults)

    { ?>

    <tr><td>No Routes Found!</td></tr>

    <?php }


    { ?>

    <?php foreach($allresults as $result) { ?>


    <td><p><strong><?php echo $result->flighttype; ?></strong><br />

    <td><p><strong><?php echo $result->deptime; ?></strong><br />

    <?php echo $result->depname; ?>


    <td><p><strong><?php echo $result->arrtime; ?></strong><br />

    <?php echo $result->arrname; ?></p></td>

    <td><strong><?php echo $result->code.''.$result->flightnum?></strong></td>

    <td><strong><?php echo $result->aircraft; ?></strong></td>

    <td><strong><?php echo $result->flighttime; ?></strong></td>

    <td><strong>Euro <?php echo $result->price; ?></strong></td>

    <?php if($result->flighttype!="P")

    { ?>

    <td><center><b><font color=red><?php echo 'Not for Pax'; ?> </font></b></center></td>

    <?php }


    { ?>

    <td><center><b><a id="<?php echo $result->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/action.php/Schedules/addbid/">Add to Bid</a></b></center></td>

    <?php } ?>


    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>


  11. I have made a very simple list of all aircraft configured for my VA that show all information stored in the table phpvms_aircraft with links to images and to download the aircraft.

    If links are not configured in your aircraft table the interested row show "image not present" or "download not present".

    The last column show the status (enabled/disabled) of the aircraft.

    Just copy Fleet.php in /core/modules/Fleet (directory Fleet must be created)

    then copy fleet.tpl in /core/templates

    You can see a preview here

    I have made a link to show this list to all the pilots of the VA

    ciao - Gianni


    • Like 2
  12. To show your status on Skype simply add this lines in the /core/templates/frontpage_main.tpl (with crystal skin, but work also with all other skins) before the last </div> tag at the bottom source code.

    Replace YOURSKYPENAME with your own Skype name.

    You can see the result here Italian Virtual Pilots

    --- Gianni ---


    <left>WebMaster attualmente


    <!--Skype 'Webmaster is now' button http://www.skype.com/go/skypebuttons--><script type="text/javascript" src="http://download.skype.com/share/skypebuttons/js/skypeCheck.js"></script>

    <a href="skype:YOURSKYPENAME?call"><img alt="My Status" height="44" src="http://mystatus.skype.com/bigclassic/YOURSKYPENAME" style="border-bottom: medium none; border-left: medium none; border-top: medium none; border-right: medium none" width="182" /></a></p>


  13. Posting in wrong area. The problem that you didn't click start flight.

    Sorry for the post in the wrong area...

    i click start flight and the data recording is correct, stop the flight, save pirep, send log (pirep filed) but the pirep record and report aren't generated on VA site (i can see the data of pirep submission in MySql DB table phpvms_pilots 'lastpirep' - table phpvms_pireps record = 0)

  14. Ciao to all, my problem is that the kACARS_Free correctly connect, load bid and send pirep to the VA site (Pirep filed) but nothing is registered in the MySql DB, except the date and time of the pirep submission in the pilot record.

    The Live Map show nothing...

    Thanks for support


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