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I am using the paid version of kAcars for my va.

I am using this for over a year. I am having a rather odd issue.

Whenever I am running kAcars on the same pc as I run FSX, I see a rather big drop in FPS. It drops from about 30fps to 20fps.

I have tried to solve the issue by running the program on an extra pc.

There I see about the same drop. 8-9 fps, as soon as I attach kAcars to FSX.

As Rex is eating another 10fps, you guess that I am flying around 12 fps at fast.

Is this a common problem, that kAcars eat so many fps?

It is to me not doing any graphical stuff. Yes it is collecting data, but so much?

Guest lorathon

No one else has ever reported this issue. Since FSX relies manly on CPU and not Graphics it may be that you are just over taxiing your system running so many addons.


I think one other in the va, had the same issue. He noticed the same drop.

But he had an old pc. I had a i7*2600@4200. 16gb ram, and a nvidia 580 gtx.

I expected a bit more.

Track ir cost me also 7fps.

But I am not losing the 8 fps since I junked out orbx england, scotland and wales. Eventhough I was not using it, it seems to use something from my pc.

Thanks for looking in it.

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