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Hey Guys,

I am currently program at a Trackingsystem, but I have a problem. We use in our airline kACARS only. For the Tracker, I have to change the "kACARS_Free.php" Module that, when kACARS send the liveupdate, these data also insert into a second table called "tracker_daten".

Here the Code from liveupdate only. Rest of the code is default:

case 'liveupdate':
 $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($xml->verify->pilotID);
 $lat = str_replace(",", ".", $xml->liveupdate->latitude);
 $lon = str_replace(",", ".", $xml->liveupdate->longitude);
 # Get the distance remaining
 $depapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->liveupdate->depICAO);
 $arrapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->liveupdate->arrICAO);
 $dist_remain = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints(
 $lat, $lon, $arrapt->lat, $arrapt->lng));
 # Estimate the time remaining
 if($xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed > 0)
 $Minutes = round($dist_remain / $xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed * 60);
 $time_remain = self::ConvertMinutes2Hours($Minutes);
 $time_remain = '00:00';

 // Start Trackingrecord
 $pid = $pilotid;
 $flug = $xml->liveupdate->slightNumber;
 $acrf = $xml->liveupdate->registration;
 //	 $lat
 //	 $lon
 $alt = $xml->liveupdate->altitude;
 $gs = $xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed;
 $dep = $xml->liveupdate->depICAO;
 $arr = $xml->liveupdate->arrICAO;
 $rte = $xml->liveupdate->route;
 $deptime = $xml->liveupdate->depTime;
 $eindeutige_flugnummer = $pid.$flug.$dep.$arr.$deptime;
 $md5id = md5($eindeutige_flugnummer);

 $sql = "INSERT INTO tracker_daten ('pilot', 'flug', 'acrf', 'lat', 'lon', 'alt', 'gs', 'dep', 'arr', 'rte', 'deptime', 'md5id') VALUES ('$pid', '$flug', '$acrf', '$lat', '$lon', '$alt', '$gs', '$dep', '$arr', $rte', '$deptime', '$md5id')";
 $go = mysql_query($sql);

 // End Trackingrecord

 $fields = array(
 'pilotid'	 =>$pilotid,
 'flightnum'	 =>$xml->liveupdate->flightNumber,
 'pilotname'	 =>'',
 'aircraft'	 =>$xml->liveupdate->registration,
 'lat'		 =>$lat,
 'lng'		 =>$lon,
 'heading'	 =>$xml->liveupdate->heading,
 'alt'		 =>$xml->liveupdate->altitude,
 'gs'			 =>$xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed,
 'depicao'	 =>$xml->liveupdate->depICAO,
 'arricao'	 =>$xml->liveupdate->arrICAO,
 'deptime'	 =>$xml->liveupdate->depTime,
 'arrtime'	 =>'',
 'route'		 =>$xml->liveupdate->route,
 'distremain'	 =>$dist_remain,
 'timeremaining' =>$time_remain,
 'phasedetail' =>$xml->liveupdate->status,
 'online'		 =>'',
 'client'		 =>'FlyHigh.acars',
 #$this->log("UpdateFlightData: \n".print_r($fields, true), 'kacars');
 ACARSData::UpdateFlightData($pilotid, $fields);


The problem now is: MySQL-Table "tracker_daten" is stil empty, but "acarsdata"-table become new data.

Can you help me?


Looking good,

I guess there is an error in the script. Do you have direct acces to the webserver, so you could make a test query and check if you can write into the database/table?

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