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So i'm having extreme difficulty getting my custom pilot center's schedules, working with action.php, to be able to add bids without giving the well known "No route Passed" error. I have done everything i can think of to removing all references of ANY javascript being called in to copying everything in core_htmlhead.tpl and placing it in either of the schedule_x.tpl files. Nothing will get this to work!

I have it working on my website now that does not have a custom pilot center page. Just having issues adding bids using action.php......

So now, instead, i am looking at making it just a link, as described in http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7431-no-route-passed-solved/page__p__49472 but i find it annoying that it takes you to another page just to say "Bid Added"

Is there any way to make the below code (which is a popup message) show instead of switching to a different website?

Command: toastr[success]("Your bid has been added", "Flight Schdules")
toastr.options = {
 "closeButton": true,
 "debug": false,
 "positionClass": "toast-top-right",
 "onclick": null,
 "showDuration": "1000",
 "hideDuration": "1000",
 "timeOut": "5000",
 "extendedTimeOut": "1000",
 "showEasing": "swing",
 "hideEasing": "linear",
 "showMethod": "fadeIn",
 "hideMethod": "fadeOut"


So i'm having extreme difficulty getting my custom pilot center's schedules, working with action.php, to be able to add bids without giving the well known "No route Passed" error. I have done everything i can think of to removing all references of ANY javascript being called in to copying everything in core_htmlhead.tpl and placing it in either of the schedule_x.tpl files. Nothing will get this to work!

I have it working on my website now that does not have a custom pilot center page. Just having issues adding bids using action.php......

So now, instead, i am looking at making it just a link, as described in http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7431-no-route-passed-solved/page__p__49472 but i find it annoying that it takes you to another page just to say "Bid Added"

Is there any way to make the below code (which is a popup message) show instead of switching to a different website?

Command: toastr[success]("Your bid has been added", "Flight Schdules")
toastr.options = {
 "closeButton": true,
 "debug": false,
 "positionClass": "toast-top-right",
 "onclick": null,
 "showDuration": "1000",
 "hideDuration": "1000",
 "timeOut": "5000",
 "extendedTimeOut": "1000",
 "showEasing": "swing",
 "hideEasing": "linear",
 "showMethod": "fadeIn",
 "hideMethod": "fadeOut"

Most likely the template for your skin has a newer javascript file (I found its usually a newer version of jquery) than what phpvms is using an its breaking your install. I am not positive, but I think simpilot's version fixed this

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