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i'm trying to use google flight search api but dont know how to "decode" the result.

The search is ok, i'm using this code with (solutions => "1") i put 1 just for tests, but want more


$data = array ( "request" => array(

"passengers" => array(

adultCount => 1


"slice" => array(


origin => "LIS",

destination => "OPO",

date => "2015-05-09"),


solutions => "1"



$data_string = json_encode($data);$ch = curl_init('https://www.googleap...ch?key=MyAPIKey');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));

$result = curl_exec($ch);curl_close($ch);

/* then I echo the result for testing purposes */

echo $result;


The echo result show this

{ "kind": "qpxExpress#tripsSearch", "trips": { "kind": "qpxexpress#tripOptions", "requestId": "0wbdK1I8oibR6DGxe0Lr9f", "data": { "kind": "qpxexpress#data", "airport": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#airportData", "code": "LIS", "city": "LIS", "name": "Lisbon" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#airportData", "code": "OPO", "city": "OPO", "name": "Porto Francisco Sa Carneiro" } ], "city": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#cityData", "code": "LIS", "name": "Lisbon" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#cityData", "code": "OPO", "name": "Porto" } ], "aircraft": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#aircraftData", "code": "319", "name": "Airbus A319" } ], "tax": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxData", "id": "YP_003", "name": "Portugal Passenger Service Charge" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxData", "id": "PT_001", "name": "Portugal Security Tax" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxData", "id": "WA_001", "name": "Portugal VAT" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxData", "id": "YQ", "name": "TP YQ surcharge" } ], "carrier": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#carrierData", "code": "TP", "name": "TAP Portugal" } ] }, "tripOption": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#tripOption", "saleTotal": "EUR62.72", "id": "6QG2bBg243IUGhiWMnGBu0001", "slice": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#sliceInfo", "duration": 55, "segment": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#segmentInfo", "duration": 55, "flight": { "carrier": "TP", "number": "1944" }, "id": "GajwbwJfUhmW4VVm", "cabin": "COACH", "bookingCode": "T", "bookingCodeCount": 9, "marriedSegmentGroup": "0", "leg": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#legInfo", "id": "LZub2a5ZWG9fzNrA", "aircraft": "319", "arrivalTime": "2015-05-10T00:50+01:00", "departureTime": "2015-05-09T23:55+01:00", "origin": "LIS", "destination": "OPO", "originTerminal": "1", "duration": 55, "mileage": 171, "meal": "Refreshments" } ] } ] } ], "pricing": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#pricingInfo", "fare": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#fareInfo", "id": "Apo/c6mAuCr7AQaaRm1wQQ2vypSTnyqzYNW5EG6D196qP", "carrier": "TP", "origin": "LIS", "destination": "OPO", "basisCode": "TFLYOWD" } ], "segmentPricing": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#segmentPricing", "fareId": "Apo/c6mAuCr7AQaaRm1wQQ2vypSTnyqzYNW5EG6D196qP", "segmentId": "GajwbwJfUhmW4VVm", "freeBaggageOption": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#freeBaggageAllowance", "bagDescriptor": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#bagDescriptor", "commercialName": "UPTO50LB 23KG AND62LI 158LCM", "count": 1, "description": [ "Up to 50 lb/23 kg", "Up to 62 li/158 lcm" ], "subcode": "0GO" } ], "pieces": 1 } ] } ], "baseFareTotal": "EUR21.00", "saleFareTotal": "EUR21.00", "saleTaxTotal": "EUR41.72", "saleTotal": "EUR62.72", "passengers": { "kind": "qpxexpress#passengerCounts", "adultCount": 1 }, "tax": [ { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxInfo", "id": "WA_001", "chargeType": "GOVERNMENT", "code": "WA", "country": "PT", "salePrice": "EUR1.26" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxInfo", "id": "PT_001", "chargeType": "GOVERNMENT", "code": "PT", "country": "PT", "salePrice": "EUR4.03" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxInfo", "id": "YP_003", "chargeType": "GOVERNMENT", "code": "YP", "country": "PT", "salePrice": "EUR9.93" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxInfo", "id": "YQ", "chargeType": "CARRIER_SURCHARGE", "code": "YQ", "salePrice": "EUR25.00" }, { "kind": "qpxexpress#taxInfo", "id": "WA_001", "chargeType": "GOVERNMENT", "code": "WA", "country": "PT", "salePrice": "EUR1.50" } ], "fareCalculation": "LIS TP OPO 21.00TFLYOWD EUR 21.00 END XT 4.03PT 2.76WA 9.93YP 25.00YQ", "latestTicketingTime": "2015-04-03T17:19-04:00", "ptc": "ADT" } ] } ] } } 1

Now i want tho "decode" and put the result in variables like

foreach ...........

$aircraft = ..... //code or name

$depicao = .... //get iata

$arricao = ...... //get iata

and so on

Thank you for your help


Thank you for your reply and help.

I know you point me in the right direction but i dont understand arrays or is dificult for me, big arrays or arrays inside arrays.

I tested with some examples in that link and changed for my results but nothing show, allways empty.

Do you know how to do and post the right code for me?

All i found is the request and nothing about the response in separate variables, all stops in echo $result; or var_dump($result);

Sorry my english and thank you

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