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First time setup of PHPVMS | No admin settings after installation [Solved]

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Hey everyone,

Let me start off by saying that I have little to no experience with this sort of thing. I've done coding on websites before, but stuck to what I know. I've followed every tutorial out there that I could, and have come to the same point each time, not where I want to be.

  • I've got phpvms up on my server (not a free hosting company).
  • I've created the MYSQL database, no issues.
  • I've installed PHPVMS, but had a few issues in the installation process. Firstly, after doing the Install Checker, no errors were returned so I went ahead with the installation process. I put in all my details, got all green tables for the next page, however, this then happens;




This is not the issue. Although in itself it may be a contributing factor. I've googled all of these errors in the background, and I've corrected the necessary portions of code in a couple files within the phpvms folder on my server. All errors went away and I was able to log in to the PHPVMS index page. The issue is that I am the only pilot, however I don't have admin privileges to add routes, fleet, additional pilots. My account looks as follows;


I have reinstalled at least a dozen times so far. Each time I remove the MYSQL database, remove the PHPVMS folder from my server and re-upload from my hard drive. Some times I've had PHP errors where not even the install checker page would show, other times I've had errors along the lines of "loader.inc".

Any help regarding admin status of the initial pilot would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance,



I found the fix, turns out others had similar issues and the fix was relatively simple;

  • In cPanel go to phpMyAdmin
  • Select the database that phpvms has populated
  • Select the groupnumbers table
  • Click edit and add the following;

INSERT INTO `phpvms_groupmembers` (`id`, `groupid`, `pilotid`) VALUES (1, 2, 1), (2, 1, 1);


You've just made yourself an administrator. I now have full admin privileges, but fear not, I'm certain I'll find something else that I need help with soon!

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