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I currently just add Passenger Routes to the Airline I work for (Virtual Aviation Group)

Would Someone kindly tell me how to set up a Cargo Route and what I need to enter for Cargo amounts/Prices?

I am assuming the Planes and Airline is added the same as say British Airways but I don't know how to add Cargo Routes.

Many thanks in advance



Hi LiottaUK , i run a cargo VA and all my scheduled routes are set up for cargo/freight , go into your admin panel on your web page , airline operations/flight schedules & routes , top left click on add schedule , give it a flight # , dept , arrive etc etc , when you come to the equipment drop down choose the aircraft you wish to use , set altitude , if you wish to , then in the drop down box passenger flight select the cargo flight , in the price of the cargo , this can be any amount you choose , i put any thing from 30-75 , this price is for per pound/kilo or what ever you have set . At the bottom click on the add schedule , that's it , your done , now say you have a B747F , go to your admin on your web site airline operations/add & edit fleet , choose or add the aircraft you want to use for a cargo flight and fill out the box's ,maximum cargo must be filled out , just use say 143300 for the 747F , now when you select the scheduled flight you made up for that aircraft it will at random pick a weight and calculate the price for that weight . hope this helps you . good luck .

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