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Timetable Flight Time Separator & Order of flight Numbers


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Hello all,

I just setup a new timetable using the Simpilot Timetable 1.0 module.

It seems I'm not able to sort 2 things out :

1) How can I change the Flight Time separator from "." to ":" --> I think it has something to do with the financial stuff inside PHPVMS, but I'm not interested in using this, so thos can be completely removed also !

2) In the full timetable the flights are in the opposite order (from 66 to 1), In the timetable search result instead they are shown correctly (from 1 tot 66).
How can I make that on the full timetable also the order is correct ? And so the first flight will also be the first flight number !

Thanks for your replies and help !

Edited by Dario
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