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Will be updating some images soon

or you can use  Username: demo@airliberiava.com
                        Password:    demoAirliberiava

Please do not try to take flights, this is just so you can look around .Uncompleted flights leaves a dirty PIREP in database.

So I modified some things. 
1. Admin theme heavily modified. (View Source-code) - get the bootstrap here - https://adminlte.io/

2. Fix the Menu for mobile mode. 

Snaps of how my Admin side looks




Everything working so far. 

All new theme. 
1. Pilots - modified the code to show rewards graphics, and rank graphics. 


https://prntscr.com/oo89s5 - awards and rank graphics.

php - " user>image_url "  from database. I pulled a lot of things from database. 

2. The Vatsim ID. I just enter that next to my name on registration.

This theme front ed Bootstrap - . https://colorlib.com/wp/template/deejee/



- once you make a bid you cannot remove it. This problem is caused by my php 7.3 version not phpvms. This is server related. Install on a different server and ADD / REMOVE  bids works fine.

 - TOC , cruising, TOD, Descending, Climbing, done get data.


This is not serious for regular user but for me that wants to make modules like:

who's online, landing rate, ( number of users(solved)), top destination, etc having some database issues.

I've been trying to make some some modules or simple PHP GET from database but ran into these..

      - Landing Rate - not capture in database from APCARS. user>pirepID>landing-rate  (Table/field ) present
      - active session present- but no session ID updated in database table, if login or not. (who's online )
      - Live maps - distance remaining says 0. saw the Code that controls that area, but the database not updating the start point so the code math       can't calculate the DEPT to ARR.



Edited by Ghostfly
adding details.

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