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Hey there.

First of all thank you for that great tool - we would like to ask for a new feature. Would it be possbile to change the LBS Recording to KG Recording?

That would be very helpfull to work with phpvms in Germany.

Thank you!

  • 9 months later...

Hi Jeffrey first I wanna say thank you for PHPVMS..This is really perfect.And Really we want to KG recording..FSACARS is ok but Ireally want to KACARS but they working only with LBS..We are a TURKEY Airliner and we have try KG ;) Thank you and Waiting your help about this problem ;)

  • Moderators

Hey, You know when your pilot submites the PIREP, the kACARS will read your fuel unit in your config file and it will convert the LBS to KG numbers.

Guest lorathon

Vansers is correct.

kACARS_Free sends the data in lbs, but this is only for consistency. Ther settings in phpVMS will convert the lbs to kg or gallons. That is up to you. There is also a setting in kACARS_Free for the view of fuel. The log can be set to record lbs, kgs, or gals. Look at the settings.

  • Moderators

Look for this line in your local config in the core folder of your VMS. mine's different, alot of lines.

Look for that line.....

Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '3');   # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

And Change the Value to whatever units you want and kACARS will automatically convert to your Setting's Units.

  • 1 year later...

Hi guys,

Sorry to resurrect this year-old post, but my pilots are reporting some strange issues with fuel usage figures.

For example, a flight of just over an hour in a 757-200 recorded about 13000lbs fuel used, but the PIREP showed 28000kg (my local.config is setup for liquid units in kg).

Now, obviously that figure in kg is way off, so I looked at another PIREP log which showed take off fuel as

4737 lbs and landing with 2921 lbs, so 1816 lbs used. I looked at the kACARS code, which shows that if liquid unit is set to 2, then the conversion to kg is fuelused * .45359237, which in that case would work out as 823.72 kg. However, the PIREP showed 916.71kg !

Can someone shed some light on this issue please ? Is fuel usage definitely the take-off minus landing values, and if so, how come the total is not that of the formula in the code ?

Many thanks,


  • 6 months later...

I am confused on this as well. I have a pirep that starts (at takeoff) "With 13196lbs of fuel on board" and lands "With 4554lbs of fuel onboard"

So that is an 8642 lb difference, but it shows "4473.78 fuel used" I know it is from "start record to stop record" as you said, but it would not burn over 4000 additional pounds for the taxi time.

Am I missing something here?!

Guest lorathon

What do you have your units set to?


Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '2'); # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

If it is set to kg as I suspect than it calculates as such ($fuelused = lbs)

$fuelused = $fuelused * .45359237;

8642 * .45359237 = 3919.95 kgs (553 kg for taxi difference)

535 / .45359237 = 1219 lbs for taxi

Last flight I made using an A320 I used 1500 lbs for taxi (total taxi time = 24 minutes)

I am assuming that you are referring to this PIREP


Pilot started flight at [18:40]

Take off at [19:05]

Land at [20:52]

End flight at [21:02]

Total time between start flight and end flight less flying time (Taxi time) = 35 minutes.

So I am not sure there is a problem. I have checked and rechecked but will do so again :)


I stand corrected.....I thought it was set properly, but u r right; I had it set to KGS. What an idiot I am. Can I go back and recalculate all the finance data??

Guest lorathon

You would have to run a script to recalculate all of the fuelused columns. It could be done but it would take some work

You should be able to run a query in phpadmin like

UPDATE phpvms_pireps SET `fuelused` = ROUND((`fuelused` / .4535927), 2) WHERE 1

I would test this first but it make work for you.



Jeff, I noticed on my last few pireps, that it seems to be doubling the fuel used. Almost as if it is reading kgs in fs, then coverting to lbs?!? I had changed the config to lbs instead of kgs, but it still seems off :(

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