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[solved] Website Warning Encountered when starting flight in kACARS?

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By i can tell the error. I think you might have cuorrputed files. Try to reupload phpVMS files again.

!!!!!!!It's my suggestion that you back up your files first before you do anything!!!!!!!!!!


By i can tell the error. I think you might have cuorrputed files. Try to reupload phpVMS files again.

!!!!!!!It's my suggestion that you back up your files first before you do anything!!!!!!!!!!

corrupted files? I didnt touch the files for a while :(

aaah well thanks for the reply and help, james

  • Moderators

Upload the install directory and check your install, that will tell you where most things going wrong.

Mark's right, run that and see what we have..........


Upload the install directory and check your install, that will tell you where most things going wrong.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ezDB_mysql in /home4/flyirela/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 299

thats all i get :( so i reinstalled phpvms and it still gives me the same error with acars. It seems everything i do with phpvms goes wrong :L


you did not need to do a reinstall upload the install folder again and put this in your adress http://flyirelandva....heckinstall.php

hit enter and copy past to here what the website is spitting out

If I had the patiance to wait fora reply, I would not have re-uploaded phpvms again, changed to a new mySQL database and imported some of the files there which did work but i now have alot of work to fix he stuff thats missing, I would do what you told me to :(

Anyway thanks for the help,


Guest lorathon

Sorry for the late answer. The error message will tell you that there is an issue with your site. Usually something has changed and because of this change an error message is being transmitted to kACARS. kACARS attempts to ignore it. Sometimes it can and sometimes it can not.

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