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Flight Level is an incorrect label

Mysterious Pilot

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For the sake of correctness I thought it would be okay to point out that in the Add Schedule form there is a field improperly named "Flight Level". This field expects a number indicating the amount of feet from sea level at which the flight is to be conducted (cruise altitude).

Flight Level is a number in hundreds of feet for altitudes above the Transition Altitude. The notation of a flight level for 12,000 feet would be FL120. The Transition Altitude (TA) varies from country to country. For example in the US it is 18,000 feet whereas in The Netherlands it is around 4,500 feet. So it is the TA at which point you start referring as Flight Level instead of Altitude.

Altitude is used below the Transition Altitude, for example 12,000 feet, which would be FL120 in The Netherlands but 12,000 in the US.

Given that the field of this form expects an altitude, I think that to avoid confusion the corresponding label should be changed accordingly for the sake of correctness. Or it could be labelled "Cruise Altitude" (even better).

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