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I´m the webmaster from an airline, I will like to change the callsing from all the pilots. Its autogenerating. And I will like to change it.

For example I´m NAS0001 and I will like to be NAS001. Only 2 ceros and not 3.

How I do this?


Nicolás Pombo



You would go into your core folder and open the local.config.php look for this to edit below.


Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 4); // The length of PID, including 0's

All you need to do is change the 4 to 3 and your good to go!


Hi Cody,

Thanks for your answer. I dont find the local.config.php file in my core folder. Does this comes with the update, because I have not add the update.



By the way, sorry I have more questions.  :-[

1. ¿If the pilot have FSacars or FSpax. He has to report manualy the pirep also, or this softwares prevent of doing this?

2. ¿Its mandatory to add time (departing/arrival/time in route) in shedule, or can I remove this blocks?

3. ¿How can I add Fleet to my Public Menu, and which table I use on it, to show the fleet the airlines has?

4. ¿Can pilots be added manualy, or they have to register?

5. ¿Is there a posibility to creat a database for each aircraft type? For example I have more than one Boeing 737-700, when I add the second Boeing 737-700 I have to fill out all aircraft specifications, if I already have them in the first type, its not better to select that type and only add the second aircraft registration.

and last question...

6. ¿Can I add in my downloads, FSacairs. Or is better to redirect pilots to FSacairs website?

Thanks to the pacient person that can answer my questions. :P


For the local config you may have to go to the ftp and find it. But it should just be in the core folder along with the app.config.php and such.

?1. The pilot can submit a pirep manually or using fsacars or fspax. Just depends on what you want them to do and how. To take off the manual pirep you would have to just go into the templates that shows where they can submit them manually and edit them to take out the link to do that.

?2. Im not completely sure but i would add time to just be safe for later updates and such. Here is a great website that can give you a est. of miles and a great est. of hours and such. I would recommend this to everyone! AirRouting Time Form

?3. They way i added fleet and i think most people have would be go into the admin panel and make a page for it. Then using your favorite html editor you would go in there add the pics and whatnot and upload that new page you made in the core/pages.

?4. As of right now no there is not a way to add them manually unless if you want to go into the db "data base" and add them that way. Other than that i can think of one simply way if you know a email and a password they wanted you can sign them up like anyone would on the site using the Register Area/Form.

?5. Once again as of right now there isnt really a way of doing this, you would have to fill everything out again, unless if you can find it in the DB again you could possible do it in there but i would not recommend this as you could cause problems.

?6. You can add FSacars in your downloads if you would like i dont see a problem with this. Considering they don't support it as much now anyhow. So its really free game for you to add to your site as a download.

Hope these helped if not let me know. Ill try try again! :)

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