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ACARS and Auto PIREP system for FlightGear

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Hey, I'm kinda new to php and need a lot of help here. I run a Virtual Airline for FlightGear (an Open Source Flight Simulator) and we have a phpVMS website. Even before we started using phpVMS for VA management, we had a basic local ACARS which records your basic flight data every 3 minutes and stores it in a kml file. We can open the kml file with google Earth and it'll show you a 3D map. I was wondering if I can do anything to have this transmitted to phpVMS once FlightGear is closed. (i.e.when the kml file stops receiving data)

Or this might be better, while FlightGear is running and the pilot is flying, can it continuously post the data to phpVMS? I can make a GUI menu for FG where you can enter the flight number, then maybe it can post that to phpVMS and in a flight status board, (which can be shown in the home page) tell whether this plane is Boarding, Departed, Cruising, Landing and Deplaning. Or as soon as you add the flight to your bid, it goes to the flight status board as Scheduled and the status changes according to input from the ACARS. Maybe when the AGL is 0 and he's 1 nm within airport, it can show Landed and stuff like that. I've no experience with php so please help me. :)


Hey, I'm kinda new to php and need a lot of help here. I run a Virtual Airline for FlightGear (an Open Source Flight Simulator) and we have a phpVMS website. Even before we started using phpVMS for VA management, we had a basic local ACARS which records your basic flight data every 3 minutes and stores it in a kml file. We can open the kml file with google Earth and it'll show you a 3D map. I was wondering if I can do anything to have this transmitted to phpVMS once FlightGear is closed. (i.e.when the kml file stops receiving data)

Or this might be better, while FlightGear is running and the pilot is flying, can it continuously post the data to phpVMS? I can make a GUI menu for FG where you can enter the flight number, then maybe it can post that to phpVMS and in a flight status board, (which can be shown in the home page) tell whether this plane is Boarding, Departed, Cruising, Landing and Deplaning. Or as soon as you add the flight to your bid, it goes to the flight status board as Scheduled and the status changes according to input from the ACARS. Maybe when the AGL is 0 and he's 1 nm within airport, it can show Landed and stuff like that. I've no experience with php so please help me. :)



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