North Air Posted July 29, 2011 Report Posted July 29, 2011 realschedulelight_index.tpl <?php //simpilotgroup addon module for phpVMS virtual airline system // //simpilotgroup addon modules are licenced under the following license: //Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) //To view full license text visit // //@author David Clark (simpilot) //@copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2010, David Clark //@license echo '<h3>Available Aircraft For '.SITE_NAME.'</h3>'; //If pilot is logged in find their location //If they have not filed a PIREP yet place them at their hub if(Auth::LoggedIn() == true) { $location = RealScheduleLiteData::get_pilot_location(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); if(!$location) { $icao = Auth::$userinfo->hub; } else { $icao = $location->arricao; } $stranded = '0'; foreach($aircrafts as $aircraft) { $check = RealScheduleLiteData::get_aircraft_location($aircraft->id); if($check->arricao == $icao) { $stranded++; } } $curlocation = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($icao); echo Auth::$userinfo->firstname.', You are currently at '.$curlocation->name.' ('.$curlocation->icao.')<br />'; if(!$location->jumpseats) { echo 'du hast keine Jumpseattickets gekauft!<br /><br />'; } else { echo 'Du hast '.$location->jumpseats.' Tickets gekauft.<br /><br />'; } } if($stranded == 0) { echo 'An deinem Standort gibt es keine Flugzeuge. Jumpseats sind für dich kostenlos.<br /><br />'; } echo 'Klick auf den ICAO-Code um Flüge anzunehmen.<br /><br />'; echo '<table width="100%" border="1px">'; echo '<tr><th width="5%">ICAO</th><th width="40%">Flughafen</th><th>Land</th><th>Verfügbare Flugzeuge</th>'; //If pilot is logged in allow him to jumpseat to another airport if(Auth::LoggedIn() == true) { echo '<th>Jumpseat Tickets</th>'; } echo '</tr>'; $i = 0; foreach ($airports as $airport) { if ($i == 0) { echo '<tr>'; } echo '<td><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/RealScheduleLite/get_airport?icao='.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao.'</a></td>'; if($airport->hub == 1) { echo '<td><font color="#FF0000">HUB - '.$airport->name.'</font></td>'; } else { echo '<td>'.$airport->name.'</td>'; } echo '<td>'.$airport->country.'</td><td>'; $aircrafts = OperationsData::getAllAircraft('true'); $count = 0; if(!$aircrafts) { echo 'The Airline Has No Aircraft'; } else { foreach ($aircrafts as $aircraft) { $location = RealScheduleLiteData::get_aircraft_location($aircraft->id); $airfield = $location->arricao; if(!$location) { $location = RealScheduleLiteData::get_aircraft_start($aircraft->id); $airfield = $location->depicao; } else { $airfield = $location->arricao; } if ($airfield == $airport->icao) { if ($count == 0) { echo '| '; } echo ''.$aircraft->registration.' | '; $count++; } } if ($count == 0) { echo '<font color="#6D7B8D"><i>No Aircraft Available</i></font>'; } echo '</td>'; } //If pilot is logged in allow him to jumpseat to another airport if(Auth::LoggedIn() == true) { if($curlocation->icao == $airport->icao) { echo '<td align="center">You Are<br />Here</td>'; } else { //check to see if he is stranded with no aircraft if($count == 0) { echo '<td> </td>'; } else { if($stranded == '0') { $cost = '0'; echo '<td align="center">Cost - $'.$cost.'<br /><a href="'.url('/realschedulelite/jumpseat').'?id='.$airport->icao.'&cost='.$cost.'"><b>Purchase</b></a></td>'; } else { $distance = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints($curlocation->lat, $curlocation->lng, $airport->lat, $airport->lng), 0); $permile = Config::Get('JUMPSEAT_COST'); $cost = ($permile * $distance); echo '<td align="center">Cost - $'.$cost.'<br /><a href="'.url('/realschedulelite/jumpseat').'?id='.$airport->icao.'&cost='.$cost.'"><b>Purchase</b></a></td>'; } } } } } echo '</table>'; ?> Good day to all coders and readers, Is there any possibility to show just those flights pilots are allowed to fly? If the needed rank is not reached yet, flights won´t be shown on the booking list. I really need your help in this case, ´cause currently it´s not possible to limit aircraft by rank and all pilots are able to book and fly every flight. Many thanks for you kind assistance and help. Hopefully someone could help! Quote
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