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Hi, Just thought this would be really useful to a lot of people wanting to integrate phpVMS with other software. This is a code snippet that will allow you to logout of phpvms regardless of where the script is or where it's called from. Just make sure the directory to you codon file is correct and everything should work fine ;) .

Here is the code below (basically the logout function of the auth class but written out instead of referenced to avoid execute problems):

#self::remove_sessions(SessionManager::GetValue('userinfo', 'pilotid'));

# Mark them as guest
Auth::update_session(Auth::$session_id, 0);

# "Ghost" entry
//self::start_session(self::$userinfo->pilotid); // Orphaned?

SessionManager::Set('loggedin', false);
SessionManager::Set('userinfo', '');
SessionManager::Set('usergroups', '');

# Delete cookie

setcookie("VMSAUTH", false, time() - 3600*24*30, "/");

Auth::$loggedin = false;

Hope this helps anyone that was looking for it.

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