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I have one problem. In the default skin for phpvms, when i click on 'Live Map', there are siting old flights that i had/or other within the VA had done, even i i'm flying new flight. For instence, now (11.07.2012 1940z) member in our VA is currently flying LWSK-EHAM, and this flight isn't shown on the live map. The one that are shown are the previous he did LWSK-LYBE which was done at about 1230z. So how can i fix this.

Ah also I noticed on other VA, which i used to fly previously, that there is an option for live map to make status like climbing, descending etc. and not just depart, cruise,arrived like we got now.


you have to modify this in your local.config.php file located in your core folder. It says ACARS Live Time= 720 default is 720. Thats how long it will save the flight data.

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