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Profile Slideshow - Screenshot Center Mod

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This Mod Requires Simpilots Screenshot Center - http://forum.phpvms....nshotcenter-20/

This is a small mod that allows you to show a users uploaded photos in a jquery slideshow. It also lists each photo that the user uploaded in a table, including a jquery photo preview (Mouse over the file name)

DEMO: http://d12hd.com/ind.../profile/view/1


1. Download the attached file and upload it to your server

2. Add the code below to core/common/ScreenshotsData.class.php

 public function get_pilots_screenshots($pilot_id) {
 $query = "SELECT *
			 FROM screenshots
			 WHERE pilot_id='$pilot_id'";
 return DB::get_row($query);

3. Add the code below in core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php

 public function get_pilots_screenshots($pilot_id) {
$screenshot = ScreenshotsData::getscreenshots();
$this->set('screenshot', $screenshot);

4. Add the code below in core/modules/profile/profile.php - In the VIEW function

$this->set('pilot_id', $pilotid);



i become a syntax failure when i will add this code

public function get_pilots_screenshots($pilot_id) {

$query = "SELECT *

FROM screenshots

WHERE pilot_id='$pilot_id'";

return DB::get_row($query);

into my data class

any idea ?

Make sure this is in the PHP tags, and now that a look at it, you have to add a } at the end.

public function get_pilots_screenshots($pilot_id) {
	 $query = "SELECT *
							 FROM screenshots
							 WHERE pilot_id='$pilot_id'";
	 return DB::get_row($query);

Try that

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