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Hello to all.

I know we have tossed around the fuel issue with kACARS many times, but fellas, something is not jiving for me.

Look at the numbers in the log first and then look up top where the arrow is pointing. Something is not set right or I am missing something very important. a 1 hour flight loosing almost 1 million dollars in fuel?

I know the site is supposed to convert fuel and all that and I read a thread that kACARS reports in pounds and then converts according to the site config. Am I missing something of value? I just can not seem to come to terms with fuel and kACARS.

As always though, I do like kACARS better than any device out there. I think it is a great script and you deserve many kudos for it.




The ony liquid unit I have ever found is in the FS Pax section and it looks like this:

# FSPassengers Settings

# Units settings

Config::Set('WeightUnit', '1'); # 0=Kg 1=lbs

Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2'); # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles

Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1'); # 0=Km/H 1=Kts

Config::Set('AltUnit', '1'); # 0=Meter 1=Feet

Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '1'); # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

Config::Set('WelcomeMessage', 'phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS'); # Welcome Message

Shown below in the pic it indicates that it is set to gallons as well. (the pic indicates a different flight. It was meant as example only)

Guest lorathon

You know what. I believe that the module is in err. Now that I am noodling it.

It should be

Gallons = lbs / 6.84

Sorry about that. :(



Is there somewhere in the local.config that we can add that gallons = lbs / 6.84? I don't see it in there anywhere. Also, should we have a setting for kAcars or any other Acars programs?

Thank you,



Guest lorathon

To repair all older PIREPs you should run a query to change the fuelused to fuelused / 46.24. Then change the * to a / in the module file. I will change the original.

Guest lorathon


Is there somewhere in the local.config that we can add that gallons = lbs / 6.84? I don't see it in there anywhere. Also, should we have a setting for kAcars or any other Acars programs?

Thank you,



It is in the module and really only needs to be changed if your local.config "LiquidUnits" is set to gallons. Other than that the error does not matter at all as it is never seen. This is probably why it has gone unnoticed. Most VA's use either lbs or kgs.


Ahh ok. Thats cool. I got a guy doing a kACARS flight now to test the fix. I thought I was going nuts and really sucking at math! :)

That good thing is, we only have one pirep to fix. These were the first couple flights to test out kACARS. We were trying to get everything lined up before pilots started using it.


That issue is solved now. Thanks for that fix.

Skipper just did a test flight and when the pirep was filed, the conversion went flawless.

Thanks for helping us with this Lorathon.


Yes Thank you very much for the quick fix. I am really liking Kacars!!!!

So easy and if you make a mistake (like i did by not connecting to sim) it kindly points out what to do to proceed.



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