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TAV1702 last won the day on October 5 2022

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    Building smokers, cooking on smokers and grills, building websites and brewing my own beer.

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  1. I'm pretty sure if the fellas and I decide for me to build us a website and startup again, once it is rolling we will pony up the cash and pay it. i firmly believe v7 is 100% the way to go. I have been here since Nabeel released The earliest release pretty much and watched him give support through and through day in and day out and release after release. The money he asks is well worth it 100% if not simply for the product but for the time he has invested into the flight sim community alone. Class act fella.
  2. Yeah I am discussing it with the boys now. It is just a bunch of us old timers 45 + year old guys who have been on a sim since early 90's and whenever. Those guys I may be able to get to file manual. Us old guys aren't to bad to satisfy. Yeah V2 was dead in the water long ago. I wouldn't ponder it ever. v5, I know how to nurse it, I did it for years and years. v7 may take me a few minutes to figure out and I may need a server upgrade. Mine don't go to php8 yet (unless I caught a recent upgrade I didn't know about).
  3. Digging through old VA files and watching my grandson. Good times!

  4. I was thinking so I just wanted to confirm to be sure. And I sure do not want to go back to legacy 5 just to have ACARS. Hmm.
  5. Long time no chit chat gents. Hope all is well! My first post back here in quite some time. Life has threw me a curve ball and I am ready to jump back in finally. Just curious, is Paid ACARS (not nagging at all about that Nabeel deserves all he gets for his work) the only option thus far besides manual PIREPS? I hate to start a new Startup and pour cash into it to possibly fizzle out. I suppose that is where manual pireps come in handy but I have polled MANY virtual pilots over the years and most will not join a VA that accepts manual pireps. I am just tryin g to examine all possibilities and and what ifs and come up with a solid game plan before I just start tossing together a website and hoping for the best. No plan is a failed plan. And in the end if it don't make any sense for me, it just won't make any sense for me and I'll keep flying with my current VA that I am semi retired from. Anyhow, my grandson is wanting a new episode of Blaze and the Monster Machines get started. Yeah, I am that old ha ha!! Take care all!
  6. Now that I think about this, yeah, it would work. I could very easily hide the hub choice for them in the form and make it default each pilot to a single hub, he or she would be none the wiser anyhow. This airline really does not depend on hubs anyhow as I mentioned. Well, it does very heavily but it has it pilots join divisions, not hubs. So this would work. Out of curiosity, let me break out of V7 chat momentarily if I may (if not, please feel free to edit out). Is there any way at all I can hot fix 5.5 for testing purposes to allow me to do this? As we sit now it is one airline per airline code. Any attempts at another gives the ol' Sorry an airline already exists with this code message.
  7. Glad you got it sorted out. It is a nice skin for sure. :-)
  8. I'm thinking multiple airlines might work. I'll be talking with the guys real soon like. And sorry so long on the reply. Life tossed me a crosswind and it wasn't on approach. ;-) The airline in question was built in 2000 so 19 years later their site is very old and decrepit. The man who built it is long since gone. He was a VERY smart man. No one can really come behind him and figure out how he did what. he has things built in the system I have yet to ever see in any other system ever built. However, the folks now if they wish to carry on, what few are left, might just have to take what they can get to work for them without a lot of the bells and whistles. So suffice to say, multiple airlines and an single callsign would have to work I would guess. That was one of my original thoughts. The way the airline is formed though is based on 4 divisions and multiple hubs per division and each pilot is a Pilot of a division, not a hub, I would need to figure that one little trick out. How to make them join a division and not the hubs. That has been my hang up the whole time.
  9. Which version of phpvms are you using? One has tpl files and the other has php files. on the very first page of this thread this very same question is asked and answered. I would go look there real quick and see. It is much faster than me going and doing a copy and paste and verifying info and coming back and explaining and posting and explaining some more etc etc etc....... See what I mean? It took longer to read my post. 🙂
  10. So I have been a member of a virtual airline that has been around since the tail end of 2000. I have been talking with them about a new website. The issues is, they have 1 main airline, 4 Divisions, and then hubs. How we are setup now in phpVMS we can create separate airlines and all kinds of hubs or an airline with as many hubs as we wish. So I am embarassed to say that as long as I have been with phpVMS (all but since day 1) I can not for the life of me figure out how to accomplish this task accordingly. I need 1 main airline. Under that main airline I need 4 divisions such as the Americas, Eupoean, Asian, then something such as over closer to Japan and down into New Zealand and Australia. And under each one of those division, they would have their very own hubs. Am I overthinking the current 5.x system? I know for certain I have tried to think this through once before a failed miserably. All I see that we can do is airlines and hubs, no divisions. In the airline I am talking about, they ask their pilots to choose a Division to fly for upon registration, not a hub. So what f the website name was the airline name and instead of creating 4 separate airlines, I create the 4 Divisions and then create all the hubs under them? That is a shit in the dark. All 4 division have got to have the same call sign though. Hmm But Ray you are posting in the phpVMS 7 forum!! Ah yes! That I am. And for a reason. Is this possible in the new version to do? Or might I have to take the same shot in the dark as the scenario that I just posted above? I hate like hell to start in on a new 5.x website and tie up hundreds upon hundreds of hours on it and have version 7 come out as a RC or better soon there after I get started. Feel free to move this if it is in the wrong thread area.
  11. That actually is great thinking. Not all airlines operate passengers only. Some are freight only. Or mixed passengers and freight.
  12. So I am messing with some code to bring it up to snuff with php 7 needs. I have pretty :much got it all good to go but 1 line. Literally, 1 line. $message .= str_replace('\"', '"', substr(preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "preg_replace(\$orig, \$repl, '\\0')", '>' . $seg . '<'), 1, -1)); This code as we know just by looking at it is a pile of errors waiting to happen.I get the following error exactly as I had suspected I should. Now I have used the callback and everything in between and I get errors no matter what. The odd part is I have fixed no less than 25 of these in this code i am working on. However, this one is just sticking a boot in my @ss. I am not sure wh=y I can not get this one line out of all of them to work. It is probably something so simple and right under my nose. I have been working all night while laying in bed in the hospital and probably have just done to much for the night/day and just need to stop and ask like I have done here. What say ye code gurus?
  13. I am a little late to this post and I REALLY hate to necropost, but I have to. Never use free hosting with phpVMS. It has never worked good in the past and creates a firestorm of support requests and the end result is usually someone saying, "phpVMS does not work with free hosting". So you end right back up at square 1. There are plenty of hosts out there that offer smaller packages that you can pay once per year or however they may be. I would say if someone cannot afford 35 or 40 $ a year to host a website, well ....... You might need to rethink your plans. Remember, most people do not plan to fail, they fail to plan. Take care!
  14. TO bad API2 was not in place first. You all are going to have 500 new Russian hot chicks registering overnight and informing you that if you send them $9875 they will send you your UK lottery winnings and by clicking this lucky link you can view all their nasty pics that you want. VIRUS FREE! Please tell me you all have a captcha of some type installed now and not just a help yourself registration?
  15. That is kind of odd it aligned center. Mine has been modified all to pieces and back and it has always aligned left as seen here. http://prntscr.com/iti29p
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