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[SOLVED]Slow to update


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Good morning, i am starting a small va mostly for myself has i could not find one i liked that offered the kind of flights i enjoy.

Anyway i am prop below average at php but fine with html and css.

The problem i am having is let say i make some small changes in the css to change the font size, so i make the change and upload the file however the changes i have made do not take effect then after waiting a while maybe 2 mins maybe 20 the changes take effect.

In addition i added some flights to the database then went to view them to have a look at the formatting and they where not there. I thought um maybe it did not add them so i checked the database and it had. Then after a few hours they showed up.

At this point i thought it maybe something to do with the host, so i installed smf forum and started editing it and changing things. And all fine. I then wrote my own little scripts to add a list of names into a table and then display the table and all was fine.

So the only conclusion i can draw at this time is its something to do with the phpvms system?

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so what is the solution has i would prefer to use the phpvms has i could right my own but it would take me a few days and it would be nowhere need has good.

Thank you


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Ok me again sorry, I have just been adding some airport data and also some schedules into the admin panel. I have for now just added 2.

Anyway the problem is has above i cannot see them in the pilot center. Also in addition in the admin panel i can see them if i click "View Active Schedules" but i can also see them if i click "View Inactive Schedules"

Is this a bug in phpVMS? That you can see them. Also i am thinking that if i can see them when there are inactive via the admin link. Maybe this is why i cannot see them via the pilot center link has i would guess that link is set to now show inactive ones.

Hope that makes sense.



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