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Hi there,

I have this really weird issue, we have just welcomed a new pilot. Last pilot received id FE1029, and the next received FE1041. There was no reason for bot spam or anything like that, as I haven't been deleting any accounts. When I try to change the Pilot ID, it gives me the following error.

#1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`flyeurov_main`.`phpvms_fieldvalues`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pilots` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)

Edit:// I had a look at it, and Pilot ID (being the foreign key, I assume) was in tables phpvms_fieldvalues and groupmembers. I've deleted the members record, and reentered it after changing AUTO_INCREMENT to 30. Could that have any future side effects, and is there any reason that could have happened? I can't get down to producing a logical explanation to why the database made such a huge jump.

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