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Question regarding PHP-VMS


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I am a season CEO of a previous VA that was using VAFS previously. After a while we went our seperate ways and I decieded to make a new VA using PHP VMS. With the previous VA that I had I made a BEAUTIFUL website by using 1 and 1 .com and I would put the "Modules" (Va windows for pilot stats, Airline info, live maps, ..etc) directly onto the site. I was curious if there is anyway to do this with PHP-VMS? I know the entire system runs off of the website but I was just curious. Also if you can't tell I am incredibly new to the whole coding world of PHP, java script, and css. Forgive me if this question makes no sense. As I said I am new to the PHP aspect of this.

Thanks for any help you guys may be able to offer.

Alex Petrikas

President | FSX Angel Flight


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My advice would be to start from scratch. A site made with a site builder cannot match one built by hand.

If you don't want to do this, it's rather easy to convert your typical website into a phpVMS site, have a look around the forums and docs.

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