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<p>Skin Elements</p>

  • Skin Elements:

    Between the <title> tags:

    <?php echo $page_title ?>

    Above the </head> tag:


    Below the <body> tag:


    In the navigation:



    As of 2.1 there is the layout.tpl format. This is the recommended format.

    layout.tpl Format

    The other alternative is in your skin's folder, creating a file called "layout.tpl", which would contain:

    <title><?php echo $page_title ?></title>
    <?php echo $page_htmlhead; ?>
    <?php $page_htmlreq; ?>
    <div id="container">
    <div id="content">
    <?php echo $page_content; ?>

    As you can see, this is the entire HTML page, with several important variables being output:

    1. <?php echo $page_title ?> - This goes between the title tags
    2. <?php echo $page_htmlhead;?> - This goes right above the </head> tag
    3. <?php echo $page_htmlreq; ?> - This goes immediately following the <body> tag
    4. <?php echo $page_content;?> - This goes where the body of the page (the content) is supposed to show

    You can use the Template::Show() calls instead of the above ones, it's the same thing. For an example, view the crystal (the default skin) layout.tpl file. If there is a layout.tpl file, then the header.tpl and footer.tpl files will get ignored.

    header.tpl/footer.tpl Format

    This is the old, pre2.0 format, which uses two files: header.tpl and footer.tpl - This is when you have something like this:

    <title>My Page</title>
    <div id="container">
    <div id="content">
    	<p>Some content goes here</p>

    That will get split into a header and footer file. To find the split - see where content is placed. Anything above where content will be placed, goes into your header.tpl file, and below that into the footer.tpl, like:


    <title><?php echo $page_title ?></title>
    <div id="container">
    <div id="content">



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