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About This File

This is the second module I have converted from phpVMS v5 to v7.


  1. Download and unzip the file
  2. Place the unzipped folder inside:
  3. Go to 
    Sidebar: addons/modules


  4. The module should appear on table bellow. Click "Activate...".
  5. Clear the cache before openning the module.


You can ask or send issues to my Discord Channel

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


This is the new version ov the module:


  1. Remove the previous version
  2. Download and unzip the version to the following directory:


  3. Activate the module in Admin area

  4. Clear Cache

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Would you please explain the purpose of this addon ?


phpVMS v7 already have built in metar/taf retrieval and translation services, each airport page provides wx data, also weather widget can be placed anywhere required (like dashboard, simbrief forms, briefing pages, flight pages etc.)


What will this converted v5 module add to phpVMS v7 or what does it offer different than v7's internal systems ?




  • Moderators


Good day to you too,

I am converting my v5 modules to v7 and that's the porpuse. I know v7 already has a built-in metar/taf function but this can be an alternative to what is already there. I will continue the conversion of all my modules regardless of whether they can be useful to v7 or not. Sometimes pilots would prefer using different methods getting their info. I don't know why you are asking me this anyways?!?! You either download and use it or totally ignore it!



:) No bad feelings and no need to get confused with ?!?! or ! I am just asking, you can simply reply or not reply too.


Looks like, what you are doing is wasting your own time to develop/convert something already present in phpVMS v7 itself :) For me it is ok, people will also wonder what it does when you do not provide explanations. Like maybe you can have a different weather source (which can be extremely useful then as a backup tool)


And if you are not happy about questions regarding your addons, why are you publishing them anyways?!?!


I wish you have a good day too

  • Moderators


Oh I am open to any questions asked and I'm sorry you feel I'm waisting my time but I don't feel that way. Regarding the weather source, the API is providing tons of details for the ICAO so sure I'll be developing it further for the next versions. This is just the warm up for me! 😉

  • Thanks 1

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