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About This File

You can add rules categories and add new rules to these categories.

After that you may remove the Registration for from the public and just redirect your users to this page.

The user has to accept the rules in order to proceed with his registration on your virtual airline.

This module was developed by php-mods and it is registered under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

How to Install?

Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files.

Run R&RInstallSql - this is going to install the database tables.

Delete R&RInstallSql folder. (IMPORTANT)

If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this:

www.yoursite.com/index.php/RuleRegs -or- <?php echo url('/RuleRegs'); ?>


The module has been uploaded on Github and you can download it here. We would suggest you to use the Github url as it includes all of the rest changes made to the module.

Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

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