10 files
Auto Accept/Reject Pirep
By Vangelis
Are tired of accepting or even rejecting pireps ? Then do not worry Auto Accept/Reject Pirep is here to help you
It has a admin interface so you will be able to add
1. The VA's admin pilot admin that declines the PIREP
2. Function that searches the pirep log for custom criteria and decline the pirep
3. Functionality that adds the reason why it was declined in the PIREP's Comments.
4. Custom Reason why the pirep was decliened
For Example Your Pirep has been rejected because you " Custom Text"
5. Function that send an e-mail to admin and or to pilot when pirep rejected
6. It is compartible with Simpilot's Plugin Manager
By Strider
This module albeit simple, pulls the list of ranks your VA has, and gives the ability to show what aircraft are within said rank so pilots can tell when and at what rank aircraft they want to fly can be flown.
Radio Module
By Strider
The Ability to add a radio station to your VA, all you need is the Radio Stations web player URL
Export Pilot List
By Strider
This is just an edit to the import module in the admin side, that allows you to download the pilots list in CSV format, without the need of going to phpmyadmin.
Download List redirect to External URL - phpVMS 5.5.2
By fardly83
Hai all,
actually this is simple coding but for me im really annoying redirect to same browser while open download list to download addon on our va. I try find in any mod in phpvms but not find anywhere so i just create and upload to share with you all.
Thanks and Hope it will help.
I've implement this code to StislaSkin
Just replace your download_list.php in /lib/skins/StislaSkin/
Non Flown Flights by PHP-Mods
By servetas
This module is going to create a simple list (based on the default schedules list) which will include the flights which have not been flown yet but a pilot. This is based on the schedule's departure and arrival airport ICAO codes.
How to Install?
Download the module from the link you will find below. Copy and upload the files, same as the structure of your phpVMS website. If you want to link your VA's pilots to this module, use this part of code: -or- <?php echo url('/NonFlownFlt'); ?> Please note that this module is only accessible to the users who have logged in on your phpVMS website.
This module has been uploaded on GitHub and it can be downloaded via here. We would suggest you to use the Github url as it includes all of the rest changes made to the module.
Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any question/suggestion or request do not hesitate to let us know. I am not going to answer any personal messages requesting support for this module.
Registered Under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Please do not remove the copyright notice as it is part of the Creative Commons License which module is licensed under.
Have Fun!
Rules and Regulations by PHP-Mods
By servetas
You can add rules categories and add new rules to these categories.
After that you may remove the Registration for from the public and just redirect your users to this page.
The user has to accept the rules in order to proceed with his registration on your virtual airline.
This module was developed by php-mods and it is registered under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
How to Install?
Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files.
Run R&RInstallSql - this is going to install the database tables.
Delete R&RInstallSql folder. (IMPORTANT)
If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this: -or- <?php echo url('/RuleRegs'); ?> Download
The module has been uploaded on Github and you can download it here. We would suggest you to use the Github url as it includes all of the rest changes made to the module.
Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Pilot Career Page by PHP-Mods
By servetas
This module is going to show your pilot ranks and awards on phpVMS. It was developed by php-mods and it is registered under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
How to Install?
Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this: -or- <?php echo url('/career'); ?> Download
The module has been uploaded on Github and you can download it here. We would suggest you to use the Github url as it includes all of the rest changes made to the module.
Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
PS: For those you are using Pilot Awards System (by PHP-Mods), this module needs some customization in order to work in collaboration with your module.
Frequently Asked Questions by PHP-Mods
By servetas
Add or edit your faq categories. Show them in public and help your pilots solve their questions about your virtual airline etc. How to Install?
Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this: -or- <?php echo url('/FAQ'); ?> More information about the module can be found here. Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.