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Viewing Topic: Ocean Blue v2
23 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: PHP7 and phpVMS won't work
Viewing Topic: Finances settings
Viewing Topic: Currency problem [Solved]
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Viewing Topic: Importing New Schedule [SOLVED]
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Viewing Topic: blank pages on Viewing Active Schedules & Pilots List
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Viewing Topic: Limit the flights per month for charter system Need Help
Viewing Topic: Airline Stats vs. HUB Stats
24 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Virtual United Airlines
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Viewing Topic: PilotManager V2.2
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Viewing Topic: TOPPilot beta 1.0
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Viewing Topic: Using the Codon Framework + phpVMS functions outside of the phpVMS system
Viewing Topic: kACARS - ACARS designed for phpVMS users
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Viewing Topic: EVENTS
25 minutes ago