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Everything posted by STF-DIR

  1. Hello, yes, but as i sayd, i will not do something like that : core/modules/forum/login.php?pilotID=STF0001&password=userpassword to call the automatic login script. I will hidde the part with username an password. Matthias
  2. Hello again, i have the next Problem : I have now changed the core_navigation template and have here a Link "Forum" to core/modules/forum/login.php login.php is my automatic login script to phpBB3. Here i need the Pilot ID and password and thats the Problem. i can not take a link to the login.php eg core..login.php?pilotID=STF0001&password=userpassword :-) so all can see the password. What can i do ? Sessions ? But i need help here. I have no expirience about php and sessions. Or how can i change the Link eg. to /index.php/ForumLogin as example ? same as the other navigation links eg. Pilots as /index.php/pilots ? How can i do this ? Matthias
  3. Thanks for answer. Where have you see the code for automated login in phpBB Forum ? Have you a link for me ? I have nothing found. Matthias
  4. Hello, whats the Problem exactly with the code ? Any Error Messages ? ( i must go to work now ... but i will try to answer ) Matthias
  5. Hello, the user is activated, thats not the Problem. Its only the automatic login. Matthias
  6. Hello, ok, i have found a solution to create a user for the phpBB3. Sorry, i will sort the code later. For them moment i need a code that a user ( i have created or alway is in the phpBB3 Database ) is automaticly logged in after he clicked a link to reach the Forum. I have searched in the php Forum , but nothin found. Can anyone help about this ? Matthias
  7. ok, ihave reinstalled the phpBB3 and it uses now the same database as phpVMS. But as i sayd before, i am not the crack of php and so on. So can you please give me an example of code how i can add a user in phpBB3's user table and how i can find the name of the registering user from phpVMS ? Thanks Matthias
  8. Wowwowwow...yes, i'm absolutely with you !!! He has done a absolutely fantastic job with phpVMS !!!! But i only need to find a solution, not only from hm, also from other users here. I think here are other user using the phpBB3 with an automatic user registration. I think its also possible to open a new connection to the phpBB3 Database and then fill in the UserData or not ? I only not have the expirience about php and sql. Matthias
  9. Hello, thanks for the Answer, but when i use this code inside the ForumRegistration.php there is a conflict with the template classe i think. I will say if i copy and paste this code inside the registered Module i become a error. Can you help pls ? Matthias
  10. yes i have found it in another forum: but i dont know if the syntax s correct
  11. if you know the sql syntax and can give it to me i can insert it between this lines in the forumregistration.php Matthias
  12. as i sayd before .. i'm very new in phpCMS. But i'm also new with phpbb3 and php...sorry. Can you explain it to me ? Thanks Matthias
  13. Hello, yes here it is : Matthias
  14. Hello, i'm new with phpVMS and have problems with the automated forum registration in phpbb3. i have the event registered but problems with this script here : i become errors from php "cannot redeclare template" Can anyone help here ? Matthias
  15. Hello, i have brand new installed the genial phpVMS, but i have all times a Error wen i call the Admin Center Main Page ( Site Overview ) This is the Message : Can anyone help me what is wrong here ? Matthias
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