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Everything posted by mehdi289
REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
mehdi289 replied to simpilot's topic in Simpilot Group Addons
I know it work but i want to made two difrent loop for one aircraft for ex: a pilot in A have to chois to add bid whit one aircraft to A or B -
REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
mehdi289 replied to simpilot's topic in Simpilot Group Addons
Hi One question I made to loop for one arcarft like this A-->B-->A A-->C-->A but when Aircraft is on ground in Airport A only A-->B is available to add and A-->C not show how i can slove it for the two loop will be able or RLS dont let to make two difrent loot fpr one aricraft. -
REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
mehdi289 replied to simpilot's topic in Simpilot Group Addons
Hi I check it again thats not dipent to that codes because the priep whit KAcars have normal LOG the problem is whit FSAcars and Xacars. I a new informathon that i couldnt find in the topics. I want when one pilot add a flight to her bid other pilot can not see that flight in RLS or if they see they can not add it to their bid. -
REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
mehdi289 replied to simpilot's topic in Simpilot Group Addons
Ok I will delet the addons and check it but I did one more thing mybe the log problem is for that: I deletes this codes in profil_main.tpl <li><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep');?>">File a Pilot Report</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/view');?>">View Flight Schedules</a></li> and add <li><a href="<?php echo url('/RealScheduleLite');?>">Flight Booking</a></li> to book flight frome here to pilot can not file report manualy and cant see the full scheduales. and othere code in skin layot.tpl <a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/new');?>">File a New PIREP</a> | again for pilot cant pripe manualy. I didnt do any thing. and Im withing for you to slove problem for new pilots. tanks -
Hi All I have a problem. when Im fly my flight shown in Live map but when my flight is over and i stop the client and pripe my flight my aircraft not deaapear in live map and it show in map for ever i must manualy go to database and delet it in acarsdata atble..
REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
mehdi289 replied to simpilot's topic in Simpilot Group Addons
Hi thsnks for great add-on I have 2 problem 1- I folowed all the replyes before this and edite all the code but until have the problem by new pilot that they dont show they current location and they are not able to add bid. they must move to other airport bu jumpeset after that they can add bid. 2- after I upload some of this addons I gote new problem that I hadnt it before. when pilot priep their flight and i want to check their log their is not show any thing in their log. -
Hi that too great but one thing i must sey i think all of you are familar with the php codeing or page design but maybe there will be some one like me unfamilar whit this but like to learn. i only need one thing as i serach all of topics in this group i see you say copy the folder on your server and after that say creat the link could you explane where upload the files and how creat the link becaus it is the first step and if some one do wrong thing all of the thing will not work. for example i install my PHPVMS in this path .../PHPVMS/ and wen i want to upload RSL folder here i must uzip the foldre here in main root(.../PHPVMS/) and it become like this (.../PHPVMS/RLS/)or not manualy copy the files in core folder to (.../PHPVMS/Core/...). tanks
REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 [DEPRECATED]
mehdi289 replied to simpilot's topic in Simpilot Group Addons
Hi pleas visit this topic http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3971-set-current-position-for-pilots/ -
I sow the Post that was so great but that was too heavy I got headache and dident get my answers may be it because im newbie in PHPVMS and PHP code. 1-I downloaded the RSL and UPLOAD it in my url firs question i must extract it main page that mean new folder created in main root (root/PHPVMS/) or i must maualy upload every files to same folder in main /core/ ?( I copeid it in both plase) 2- where i must copy this line (<?php echo url('/RealScheduleLite'); ?>) that man i must deasin new web page? 3- I see my current location in my pilot center but i could not find any item for by tiket to change my location. 4- how i must make loop routs this is must make like normal rout or any program or item nees to make it? sorry for my question I now that is to bad to teach someone loke me.
Thanks I will check it and hope get my answers
Hi I looked all of the skins but i couldnt find a nice templet or the templet i set in my site didnt work probebly for ex: one of them dident show live map other one dident show topic what shuld i do? Til i use te defult skin and its so burig
Hi This is not a problem and I only need to make a limitation for my pilot. I describe what i want and if any one know it PLZ help me. I want to make current position for my pilot mean when one of my pilot flew from X to Y his current pisition change to Y and he only could fly from Y to other airport. and the same thing for my aircraft for example if aircraft A is in airport y pilot who want to fly whit A and his current pisithon is not in Y shold buy tiket and fly whit A something like FSAirlines. PHPVMS can suport something like this?
Hi every one I just inistal PHPVMS for my VA but i dont like its templet some one can help me how to design my own templet or is there any templet for me to download?
HI every one and tanks for help me. i found the main problem that was the wrong with upload the PHPVMA file to the server. tanks again
yes I set the parkingbreaks and the engines was off. and the linke you give me there is not any video or I cant see.the only diffrent is you type aircraft reg(OO-TNA) and i set aircraft model(B737).that was the only difrent. and one more thing how i can chek it that my problem is from my seting on server or the problem is from my FS and client config? bacaus one of my friends ( he use Xacars for another airlines) cheked it but he had the problem whit my flights.
Hi Im new in useing xacars and have some problem. i upload the serverscript.zip file and creat the tabels in sql.also i creat new user , flight and edit conection information. when i insert the flight No in Xacars client flight information shown but the start acars bottom is inactive. some one can help me .and its need to creat any folder in miy site like FSacars? tanks