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  1. Worked great. Thanks Simpilot
  2. is there any way to change the character limit?
  3. Hi Simpilot I put the code <?php echo substr($subject, 0 , 99); ?> in my popupnews tpl file to no avail. I still can't get the headline to show fully. Do you have any suggestions. Thanks
  4. Hey Joeri, Looks like a well put together and functional site....good luck
  5. ok got that...so "body" is a good variable? And this line is placed directly beneath the orginal call? Thanks
  6. Hi simpilot, the code you mentioned at the top: <?php echo substr($yourvariable, 0, 50); ?> could you tell me where to put it and if any changes need to be made? Thanks
  7. Here at ACVA, we fly the: CRJ-200 CRJ-700 ERJ-175 ERJ-190 737-600 A319-111 A320-200 A321-200 767-300 A330-300 777-200 777-300
  8. You only need to put information in if you are using FSFK, otherwise just comment it out
  9. you don't need to do anything with Kacars.....the tpl connects to kacars and displays current flights.
  10. thanks for the reply.... The mail settings above come directly from my outlook settings.
  11. thanks for the how to....lol....I'll give it a shot now.
  12. no it was not able to send any mail
  13. hey thanks for sharing....however I couldn't get it to work...it kept taking over the page.
  14. Hi everyone, I am having trouble with the system mail. When I send an email, it says it has completed, but no-one ever gets the mail. Here is a clipping from my local.config.php Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true); # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'smtpout.secureserver.net'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'ceo@flyacva.ca'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', '*********'); if someone could help that would be greatly appreciated.
  15. would you mind sharing how you did that?
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