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Everything posted by MattSoares

  1. Hello guys, i'm starting a new VA with PHPVMS. I was wondering if there is anyone who would be able to make a pilot store so that my pilots could buy stuff with their redeemed Miles. I am willing to pay. Let me know please. Thanks
  2. Hey guys, im trying to add an awards page but i cant find anything on it. I saw a free version for ranks and awards page but could someone re upload that or redirect me to where i can find it? Thanks DAL005 Matt Soares Events Manager
  3. Hi guys, this is my first post so sorry if its in the wrong place. But my VA is currently trying to find the rank/awards page module. I saw one for free and i was trying to download it but it was not working. I am wondering if there is any chance one of you guys can post it up or can redirect me to it. Thanks a lot for your time!
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