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  1. Boeing 747-400F McDonald Douglas MD11F
  2. I think this was due to my not having the airline enabled. Anyhow seems to be working fine now.
  3. Hi, When a new pilot tries to register they get the following error. I have no idea what is wrong or how to fix this. Could someone help please? I don't expect many to join up but it would be nice to have the option LOL! Error Registering Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`alliance_Global`.`phpvms_pilots`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_pilots_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)
  4. Hi, Today I started to setup my VA. It all seems to work great with the exception that it does not show in the list of airlines on VA Central. I see stuff about API Key's etc on these forums but am totally lost as to where this key is found or what should be done with it if found. I know I need to do something with my local.config.php. Could someone take me step by step as to what I need to do? Thanks for any help at all.
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