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Everything posted by bward624

  1. I have sent you the login details
  2. is there anyway that you could take a look at it?
  3. Yes I have tried that one nothing seems to be working tho if you could help me get them working got would be appreciated
  4. I have tried to Install a couple of your addons including the Plugin manager and the Event booking system but every time i get a error like: Notice: The template file "/home/skywestv/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/skywestv/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/skywestv/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/uploaded.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/skywestv/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.phpon line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/skywestv/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/footer.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/skywestv/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Or similar I am at a loss on how to fix i have read all the posts and have tried the things suggested to fix these problems but nothing is working if you could please help it would be greatly appreciated Brandon Ward Skywestvirtual.tk
  5. bward624


    Is there a add on module for php that will allow the pilots to choose custom routes that may not be in the DB
  6. bward624


    How do i add specific pilots into specific groups?
  7. what is phpmyadmin?
  8. how do i do that?
  9. no error i just doesnt add it
  10. ok thats what im doing but i is not creating the staff postions
  11. Like this?
  12. Can some one help me install IPS on my website please?
  13. bward624


    Which forum is his?
  15. Hey guys i am looking for some people to help me out with a couple of things 1. i am looking for someone who is willing to do custom liveries for my fleet for free or little money. 2. i need someone to create me a custom skin for my website for free or little money if you can help me out with this please contact me
  16. These are North American Based routes
  17. The are United Alliance based perfect for any airline starting off. I added them to My airline with no regrets and yes i do have permission from the owner to sell these if that is what bothers you
  18. CEO of PHPVMS Virtual Airlines Up for sale today i am offering for those of you who do not like creating each schedule individually A set of 10,000 Premade Schedules for your Virtual Airline. I am offering this for only $40 today. if this interests you please PM me and we can talk more.
  19. bward624


    oh also can you assign specific parts of php to be sent to one email for ex.. if i want hub managers to get pireps submitted by their hubs pilots?
  20. bward624


    How do i add pilots to the admin group? and how do i delete groups?
  21. Chris Gatrell is the one has been doing the site so is he stealing your recoding?
  22. The CO of AIR Atlantic Is the one who is Helping me with my site so he decided to use the same skin
  23. Black Bird Virtual is now open we are looking for pilots and staff members all applications will be accepted check us out at joinbbva.org
  24. Hey it wont let me add positions, and what does order mean?
  25. Is there a way to add dropdown menus to say for ex. my about section of the site?
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