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Thomas Rozanov

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Posts posted by Thomas Rozanov

  1. You need to go through each .tpl (template) page in the phpVMS core/templates folder, and assign styles and id's to the page, content and container elements you want to style. If you know CSS I won't bore you with explanations on how to do that.

    i know css but i would still like to know how to put ids into the template. is the .tpl file just like i would do onto an html file.

  2. Default classes? If you're writing your own skin you can make up whatever classes you want :)

    but for example if you put obsess blue skin. all of your templates follow the stylesheet. and you dont have to change anything. but if i create my own classes that wont happen . i need to know the default styles and classes just their names. if i'm wrong please help me.

  3. Hey Everyone! Need your help. I am making my own skin and it will be what i want out of a skin from start. But the problem i faced while composing my stylesheet was i dont know the default classes and their names.

    Could anyone tell me all the default classes so i use their names so everything fits together like for tables and titles and etc....

  4. Thanks Everyone! I'll go with marks advice for now. Because he knows what he's doing and uses phpvms way more than most forumers. (i LIKE HIS VA TOO) . Thanks! That might be something to look into in the new phpvms version.

  5. in your local config set autoranks to false

    but wont that mean that all my pilots ranks wont upgrade automatically. i will have to do it manually which will be a pain...

  6. Wanted to raise my rank to max. and staff so i went to php my admin and edited the sql for ranks and it worked for about a day. but then it changed back to my normal rank (hours i flew) . i think it just self updates. what did i do wrong or is there another way?

  7. all of these are good! but to me i found it interesting that most of u have commercial pc's or laptops.

    nobody builds computers these days???

    i have 3 pc's which i built.

    its 3x cheaper!

    and i choose what i need for ex. why would i need a cd drive ? or a nice case ? which dell or hp or whatever make money off (not only)

  8. Yes finally! I deleted the module i made displayChart and i think so far no errors! But the module itself was just a small thing for pilot brief...

    WOW! Such a small unused module made such a difference.

    This is a lesson to me and everyone who uses PHPVMS. Be control of what you have and make..

    Thanks Everyone!

  9. What other error?

    When i login it doesnt recognize me until i refreshed the page and gives me this:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/brtvirtu/public_html/core/modules/displayChart/displayChart.php:19) in /home/brtvirtu/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 143
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/brtvirtu/public_html/core/modules/displayChart/displayChart.php:19) in /home/brtvirtu/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154

    Also the whole site format (font size,placement) is twitched.

    Please Help.

    [b]Warning[/b]:  session_start() [[url="http://www.brtvirtualairlines.com/function.session-start"]function.session-start[/url]]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/brtvirtu/public_html/index.php:11) in [b]/home/brtvirtu/public_html/core/codon.config.php[/b] on line [b]40[/b]
    [b]Warning[/b]:  session_start() [[url="http://www.brtvirtualairlines.com/function.session-start"]function.session-start[/url]]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/brtvirtu/public_html/index.php:11) in [b]/home/brtvirtu/public_html/core/codon.config.php[/b] on line [b]40[/b]
    public function displayChart($icao) {     $chart = SITE_ROOT.'/images/charts/'.$icao.'.png';                                if(!file_exists($chart))     {         // PNG image Does NOT exist so look for GIF image         $chart = SITE_ROOT.'/images/charts/'.$icao.'.gif';                  if(!file_exists($chart))         {                 // GIF image does not exist either                 return false;         }     }          // Return image path     return $chart; }        	          	                                      

    That is the errors he is getting.

    Not only that one. Also my font completely changed. And my site is giving other errors when i log-in and its nothing i changed....

  11. Look for meta generators, they can give you the meta tags for your keywords and so on that search engines use. Make sure you're using keywords which actually appear on public pages of your site so your rank higher.

    Having a well coded template will also help, bad code confuses even googles robots.

    Make sure your images all have alt text too.

    There's loads more but I can't remember it without looking it up - not at computer.


    I usually put meta tags and description tags and keywords in HTML. But what file do i edit in PHP index.php?


  12. No one could possibly help you if you don't include the error codes you are getting and maybe a link to your site ect...

    Site : www.brtvirtualairlines.com

    Have a look on the frontpage the font is huge!

    And it has many errors.

    Sometimes even on the top of the page

  13. My site rexently started giving lots of errors which never happened before, and now the website twitches and the size of the font changed from normal to huge! Please help.

    I do the maintenance in admin panel atleast every other day. But it still goes crazy...

    Never happened before!

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