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  1. Idea I'm starting another VA to run along side my current one. I'm going to mimic the operations of Colgan/Mesaba Air. I need a little help. Bases DTW EWR IAD IAH MSP ATL LGA Aircraft Saab 340B Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 Website What I need is someone to port over my website that I currently have at www.flyiva.org to my new domain. I tried just copying the template but I think I messed it up. A few changes will need to be made of course to the home page and the fleet page to line it up with the new airline. I already have the current schedules for the airlines and a fleet put together. Just need someone to port my site over. Any help would be great. I have a list of things that need to be done. It's not a lot but there are a few. Message me here if you can help. Willing to pay.
  2. Are you still doing websites? I tried to email you thru your site but it gave me an error.
  3. My VA is looking to add about 150 A/C to Our Fleet. Is there any short way of adding them without having to input each one manually in the admin panel? Or is there an easy way to make the Tail numbers go away and just have it have the A/C Type? I would like to have the tail numbers but not if I have to add 150 A/C manually.
  4. I found a link a few month ago to website where someone was making custom Pilot Centers with a Web 2.0 look. I found FS Tools and emailed him, but there was one other person. The website had a lot of red on it if I can remember correctly. I could really use a link if you all know it. I thought I bookmarked it but when I updated firefox it ran away! Thanks!!!!!
  5. thanks, but i cant take credit for the layout, i bought it from allegiant virtual
  6. is it working on your end now? i think its running fine from my end
  7. I went back and fixed things. Sorry about the error. Had to revert back to the original password.
  8. Dear pilots, The wait is over!!! FLYIVA ACARs has been released. You may download the new ACARs by logging into the Pilot Center and clcking the Downloads link! You will also need the ACARs guide which walks you through the process of using the new ACARs program. It can be found here by logging into the Pilot Center and clicking the Downloads link! If you are interested in our VA, head on over to http://www.flyiva.org! Now get back to flying! Daniel Kinder - CEO - IDE0001 - www.flyiva.org
  9. I am working on getting staff members for my VA but I would really like to restrict the abilities they have in the admin panel of phpvms to just posting news and approving pireps. So i would like to keep them from being able to see the maintenance section, routes and etc. Is there any way to do this? Thanks. www.flyiva.org
  10. sounds really complicated, i may wait till we redo our site and take care of it. that'll be when the new acars comes out. thanks anyways. you can mark this as solved
  11. im new to this. could you maybe walk me thru how to do that?
  12. No I want to delete every flight in my system. Like all the flights. But I doon't want to lose the pireps that have been filed.
  13. I renumbered all my flights and want to kow how to erase all flights in my system before I upload the new CSV file. How do I do it? Also will this mess up all the pireps I have in the system already?
  14. thanks that fixed it.
  15. I;m trying to change it in the admin panel but there is no option? I added hours from transfer hours and its not updating after doing the recalculate? Am I missing something? Also here is a shot of the rank screen showing that I do actually have ranks setup. By this screen, this pilot should be a senior captain?
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