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Everything posted by Nickpo

  1. Nickpo

    Real order

    Sorry I was measing some data. All is good now. Thanks for your help.
  2. Nickpo

    Real order

    Hi, The import file is only this: code,flightnum,depicao,arricao,route,aircraft,distance,deptime,arrtime,flighttime,notes,price,flighttype,daysofweek But when I import it this way, does not work. For example, deptime, arrtime, price and notes are all mixed up. Or well I will ask other question then. How many lines could the import data have. Can I import for example 100 flights in once. Or only one by one. May be the problem is that Im importing a lot of flights at once and can only be one by one. Thanks !
  3. Hello All, Im working with the CSV Import option we have. But the example we got: code,flightnum,depicao,arricao,route,aircraft,distance,deptime,arrtime,flighttime,notes,price,flighttype,daysofweek Is not working good for me. Order change and the one above is incorrect, acording to the table, when I upload it. Someone knows the correct order ? Also other question. When the instructions mean to leave in blank where we don´t want to add something, how do we leave this blank ? Thanks
  4. Hello all, Working on my virtual airline. I will like to know some stuff. ¿Why do we admins have to creat a shedule, if when we are flying with FSacars, the route is not show when we get online at FSacars? Do we first have to shedule the flight somewhere, so we can have to complete information in the FSacars? Do pilots have access to the Sheduling from the VA ? Where can they access to it. Thanks,
  5. Thanks a lot for your answers Cody. Regards,
  6. By the way, sorry I have more questions. :-[ 1. ¿If the pilot have FSacars or FSpax. He has to report manualy the pirep also, or this softwares prevent of doing this? 2. ¿Its mandatory to add time (departing/arrival/time in route) in shedule, or can I remove this blocks? 3. ¿How can I add Fleet to my Public Menu, and which table I use on it, to show the fleet the airlines has? 4. ¿Can pilots be added manualy, or they have to register? 5. ¿Is there a posibility to creat a database for each aircraft type? For example I have more than one Boeing 737-700, when I add the second Boeing 737-700 I have to fill out all aircraft specifications, if I already have them in the first type, its not better to select that type and only add the second aircraft registration. and last question... 6. ¿Can I add in my downloads, FSacairs. Or is better to redirect pilots to FSacairs website? Thanks to the pacient person that can answer my questions.
  7. Hi Cody, Thanks for your answer. I dont find the local.config.php file in my core folder. Does this comes with the update, because I have not add the update. Thanks,
  8. Hello, I´m the webmaster from an airline, I will like to change the callsing from all the pilots. Its autogenerating. And I will like to change it. For example I´m NAS0001 and I will like to be NAS001. Only 2 ceros and not 3. How I do this? Regards, Nicolás Pombo
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