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Everything posted by JackPlumb

  1. This may or may not resolve my previous problem. When I insert my information into the field it says it has been added, yet if I come back later on it disappears. This has happened for everyone who has joined my VA. Does anybody have any ideas why it's not 'sticking around' as it would seem?
  2. I get this reply: ezSQL (v2.03) Debug.. Query [7] -- [sELECT v.value FROM phpvms_customfields f, phpvms_fieldvalues v WHERE f.fieldid=v.fieldid AND f.title='VATSIM ID' AND v.pilotid=4] Query Result.. (row) string 0 value No Results
  3. I have done this and have abit of problem, the vatsim id is on the table. Concluding from this the actual I.D isn't showing, even though it has been inserted on the profile of every pilot.
  4. I have done this, but i need to know how it could be placed on the 'pilots' page.
  5. Dear All, As a requirement of VATSIM airline I need to have the ability to place the User I.D on the roster. Is there anyway I can do this at all?
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