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  1. Hi Pro, I spoke with my host and don't go change Strict because must change for all his costumers. So about MariaDB what do you suggest? Thanks, Miguel
  2. What phpvms version do you have? Don't have change any table of database? Coordinates, fuel price, etc? Thanks, Regards, Miguel
  3. You don't have problems with your database? You can send Pirep? Thanks. Regards, Miguel
  4. Ok guys, with some tests i find a solution. In phpvms_acarsdata and in column lat and lng VARCHAR(15), i change to LONG TEXT and acarsmap works fine. Thanks for your time reading my post. Regards, Miguel
  5. Im testing with Crystal. And MySQL or Maria DB version: MariaDB 10.4.17 And modules below:
  6. phpVMS version : Simpilot 5.5.2 PHP version: php5.6 MySQL or Maria DB version: MariaDB 10.4.17 Skin used: Crystal Hi, using kACARS or CCFTracker i see this error: Error: (1406) - Data too long for column 'lat' at row 1 In phpmyadmin i have a table phpvms_acarsdata and in column lat and lng VARCHAR(15). I change to VARCHAR(7) but error remain. In log.txt for see error i find coordinates like this one; '39.8207508932871','-8.88761192976597' How to fix this, anyone know's? Thanks guys. Regards. Miguel
  7. Hi bwilber, live map works fine with your kACARS? Mine don't show aircraft neither flight data. Any idea? Thanks, Regards Miguel
  8. Hi ProAvia, 1 - Yes and with kACARS happen the same problem. I received emails from hosting or vms with report . But in Admin nothing to accept and in pilot center no report exist 2 - yes both programs, cACARS and kACARS connect (in url we must put http://www.website.com/vms/ or http://www.website.com/ ?????? 3 - how i do it? 4 - what do you mean? I see log (core/logs/log.txt) and see this error: Time: 12.01.20 13:43:39 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > ACARSData::updateFlightData > CCFTracker->posrep > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_acarsdata (`pilotid`,`flightnum`,`pilotname`,`aircraft`,`lat`,`lng`,`heading`,`alt`,`gs`,`depicao`,`arricao`,`deptime`,`arrtime`,`route`,`distremain`,`timeremaining`,`phasedetail`,`online`,`client`,`depapt`,`arrapt`,`lastupdate`) VALUES ....... all correct but at end i see this: Error: (1364) - Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value in mysql table phpvms_schedules Default is NULL and are wright this inside field route_details a:0:{} Thanks for your time. Regards, Miguel
  9. Hi ProAvia, - Live map in Crystall, no traffic. Im connected using cACARS but no see my plane in live map. I make this changes like here https://gist.github.com/nabeelio/8b7ab29fb67dfe27284d63d7136388dc But no traffic. - And final flight i send Pirep, see message Pirep sent to VA, but then in ADMIN or Pilot Center no pirep too. Any idea? Thanks my friend. Miguel
  10. Hi ProAvia, Works fine now,strange things 😊😂😂 I do it equal like you said, spaces, etc and work wonderful. Thanks very much my friend. What acars program we must use? Regards, Miguel
  11. Im try PHP 5.6, and schedule no work neither. I see this error: There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value and There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Incorrect double value: '' for column `vpoaf_vms`.`phpvms_schedules`.`price` at row 1 I have no ideas. What do you suggest to install? From zero. Thanks. Miguel
  12. phpVMS versin: Version simpilot 5.5.2 PHP Version: 7.2 MySQL or MariaDB version: MySQL i think. Im very sorry, but aircraft now works fine and i don´t know why.. In Admin: Schedule continue don´t working. After i add a flight, i see this message: Flight "xxx" Added, on green colour, but in table list (view Schedules) nothing apear. In public area i see this message: "No routes have found!" Any idea ? Thanks very much for help. Regards, Miguel
  13. Hi guys My problem remains. Below see photo from database of aircraft table (can't add more 30 in admin, in database I can add) And schedule database, can't add flights.
  14. I have send PM to you. Thanks Miguel
  15. Hi guys, i can´t add more than 30 planes in Admin, its normal? I try add more and see this error message: There was an error adding the aircraft But in list i can add 30 planes without problems. I use this version: phpvms_5.5.x Any idea? Thanks for help. Regards, Miguel
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