Hi ProAvia,
1 - Yes and with kACARS happen the same problem.
I received emails from hosting or vms with report .
But in Admin nothing to accept and in pilot center no report exist
2 - yes both programs, cACARS and kACARS connect (in url we must put http://www.website.com/vms/ or http://www.website.com/ ??????
3 - how i do it?
4 - what do you mean?
I see log (core/logs/log.txt) and see this error:
Time: 12.01.20 13:43:39
Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > ACARSData::updateFlightData > CCFTracker->posrep > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions
Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_acarsdata (`pilotid`,`flightnum`,`pilotname`,`aircraft`,`lat`,`lng`,`heading`,`alt`,`gs`,`depicao`,`arricao`,`deptime`,`arrtime`,`route`,`distremain`,`timeremaining`,`phasedetail`,`online`,`client`,`depapt`,`arrapt`,`lastupdate`) VALUES ....... all correct but at end i see this: Error: (1364) - Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value
in mysql table phpvms_schedules Default is NULL and are wright this inside field route_details a:0:{}
Thanks for your time.