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Posts posted by M-Queiroz

  1. erros beta v97 update.php


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grupobra/public_html/core/classes/CodonCache.class.php:205) in /home/grupobra/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 143

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grupobra/public_html/core/classes/CodonCache.class.php:205) in /home/grupobra/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154

  2. en

    It would only add to the hours of pilots and PIREPs to send files vafs for phpVMS

    The pilots are flying it like a fsacars because fsacars is giving a lot of work in time to send the logs

    but woe to the pilots flying in the two systems is very bad I would like to send PIREPs and hours of flight for phpVMS that they are paying the vafs said there's problems and not waste hours of flight


    Seria só para a juntar as hora dos pilotos e os pireps para enviar os arquivos do vafs para o phpVMS

    Os pilotos estão voando ele como se fosse um fsacars porque o fsacars esta dando muito trabalho na hora do enviar os logs

    mas ai os pilotos voando em dois sistemas é muito ruim gostaria de enviar os pireps e as hora de voo para o phpVMS eles que estão pagando o vafs falaram que não da problemas e não perdem hora de voo

  3. I wonder if we could talk to Mike about setting up some sort of API To work with his database.

    xml va

    Below you will find the link to your VA's flights xml data. You will also see a discription of what the tags mean. If you have not used xml data before you can find information in the vafinancials forums on how to incorporate xml data into your website using php.

    NOTE: This can be a rather large file if your VA has a lot of flights.

    Hub XML Link: http://www.vafinancials.com/web/flights_xml.php?id= 18050

    <flight> Flight start tag (one for each flight)

    <fltid> Flight numeric ID

    <fkey> Key name of the flight, this will match the htm log file name

    <pid> Numeric pilot ID

    <fid> Numeric fleet ID

    <sid> Numeric schedule ID

    <hid> Numeric Hub ID

    <fltnum> Flight number of the route

    <actnum> Account number of the pilot that flew the flight

    <csign> Callsign of the pilot

    <acicao> 4 Letter ICAO code of the scheduled aircraft

    <acname> Name of the scheduled aircraft

    <acflwn> Name of the aircraft actually flown with the flight

    <deicao> Departure airport code

    <dename> Departure airport name

    <detime> Scheduled depart time of the route

    <aricao> Arrival airport code

    <arname> Arrival airport name

    <artime> Schedule arrival time of the route

    <blkout> Block out time

    <blkoff> Block off time

    <blkon> Block on time

    <blkin> Block in time

    <fcpass> Amount of first class pax

    <bcpass> Amount of business class pax

    <ecpass> Amount of economy class pax

    <cargo> Amount of cargo loaded (in lbs)

    <fcrev> First class pax revenue

    <bcrev> Business class pax revenue

    <ecrev> Economy class pax revenue

    <crev> Cargo revenue

    <fhours> Total flight hours for the route

    <fmiles> Total flight miles flown

    <fdate> Date of the flight

    <labor> Labor expenses

    <airframe> Airframe expenses

    <terminal> Terminal rents expenses

    <proserv> Professional services

    <food> Food and beverage services

    <landfee> Landing fees

    <maint> Other maintenance expenses

    <acinsur> Aircraft insurance

    <nacinsur> Non aircraft insurance

    <commish> Commissions

    <advert> Advertising

    <utility> Utility expenses

    <otherops> All other operating costs

    <transport> Transportation expenses

    <faretax> International Fare Tax

    <segtax> Segmant tax

    <sectax> Security fees

    <factax> Facility taxes

    <cartax> Cargo waybill tax

    <fgross> Total flight revenue

    <fnet> Total flight revenye after expenses

    <floaded> Total fuel loaded (in lbs)

    <fburned> Total fuel burned (in lbs)

    <pilotpay> Pilot pay for this flight

    <landrate> Landing rate (vs)

    <landspd> Speed at the time of touchdown

    <pilotrating> Pilot rating for this flight

  4. en

    Good evening I wonder how it would create a module that works with the VAFS to book the flight hours of pilots and PIREPs have pilots who use the system but the PIREPs go to the database and the time the pilots are separated

    wanted to gather with those of phpVMS as the fsacars, pax.


    Boa noite eu gostaria de saber se teria como criar um modulo que trabalha se com o VAFS para contabilizar as horas de voo dos pilotos e pireps tenho pilotos que utilizam o sistema mas os pireps vão para o banco de dados e as horas dos pilotos ficam separadas

    queria ajuntar com as do phpVMS como do fsacars,pax.

    arquivo vafs mysql


  5. en

    is very good but has 3 questions first not the 10000th fl fl 1500

    vfr manual and complete mind as aircraft DEPARTURE AND DESTINATION i would show

    here is working perfectly without errors lie only in fl that will only up to 10000

    pax cargo


    esta muito bom mas tem 3 questões primeira fl 10000 não da fl 1500

    vfr e preencher manual mente como aeronave PARTIDA E DESTINO ai ficaria show

    aqui esta funcionando perfeita menti sem erros só no fl que vai só ate 10000

    pax cargo


  6. timestamp

    Eu tenho esta muito bem trabalhado agora, mostrando-piloto início do mês em voos, horas e milhas.

    A minha pergunta, alguém tem um banco de dados com um monte de PIREPs, mais de 500, para que não se importaria de me enviar uma cópia para testar isso com. Eu só tenho cerca de 30 PIREPs no meu site de teste e apenas quer ter a certeza que não existem bugs quando a contagem PIREP sobe.

    estala no seu AIRmail David Clark NEA0001 tem 3762 PIREPs

  7. en

    Nabeel I'm struggling to get the id of the pilot with this query?

    //set local variables
    $dbhost = "localhost"; 
    $dbuser = "xxxxxx"; 
    $dbpass = "xxxxxx"; 
    $dbname = "xxxxxx"; 
    $db = mysql_pconnect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass); 
    // tex de MySQL Connection
    echo "<br />";
    //base de dados 
    echo "<br />";
    //base de dados 
    // Total pilotos que mais voou no mes por horas
    $query = "select p.code, p.pilotid, firstname, lastname, sum(r.flighttime) ,count(r.pirepid), submitdate, r.pilotid
    from phpvms_pilots p left join phpvms_pireps r on p.pilotid = r.pilotid right join phpvms_aircraft a on a.id = r.aircraft
    WHERE year(r.submitdate) = year(now()) and month(r.submitdate) = month(now())
    GROUP BY p.pilotid
    ORDER BY sum(r.flighttime) DESC 
    LIMIT 0,10";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    // Print out result
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
       echo "Piloto: ". $row['firstname']. " ". $row['lastname'];
       echo "<br />";
            echo " ID:  ". $row['code']. "0". $row['pilotid'];
       echo "<br />";
       echo "Total de Voos: ". $row['count(r.pirepid)'];
       echo "<br />";
       echo "Horas:  " . $row['sum(r.flighttime)'] ;
       echo "<br />";
       echo "<br />";

    wanted to show the picture of the driver but is missing the zeros id BZS012 but would have to be as BZS0012 could do this work.


    Nabeel estou quebrando a cabeça para pegar o id do piloto com esta consulta ?

    queria mostrar a foto do piloto mas fica faltando os zeros do id BZS012 mas teria que ser BZS0012 como poderia fazer este funcionar.

  8. ;D Help 100%

    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version
    -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
    -- Servidor: localhost
    -- Tempo de Geração: Fev 01, 2010 as 11:45 PM
    -- Versão do Servidor: 5.1.36
    -- Versão do PHP: 5.3.0
    -- Banco de Dados: `v8`
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Estrutura da tabela `phpvms_pilotshop`
    CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pilotshop` (
    `pid` INT( 15 ) NULL ,
    `name` VARCHAR( 100 ) NULL ,
    `shop_type` INT( 15 ) NULL ,
    `product_type` INT( 15 ) NULL ,
    `image_link` TEXT NULL ,
    `description` TEXT NULL ,
    `price` FLOAT NULL );
    -- Extraindo dados da tabela `phpvms_pilotshop`
    -- Estrutura da tabela `phpvms_pilotshop_types`
    CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pilotshop_types` (
    `type` INT( 1 ) NULL ,
    `name` VARCHAR( 100 ) NULL ,
    `description` TEXT NULL );
    -- Extraindo dados da tabela `phpvms_pilotshop_types`
    -- Estrutura da tabela `phpvms_pilotshop_bought`
    CREATE TABLE `phpvms_pilotshop_bought` (
    `pilot_id` INT( 11 ) NULL ,
    `product_id` INT( 11 ) NULL );
    -- Extraindo dados da tabela `phpvms_pilotshop_bought`

  9. E so mudar

          //$starttime = 
    echo "OK
       # Position Update

    poreste $route->flightlevel  em fsacars.php

          //$starttime = 
    echo "OK
       # Position Update

  10. en

    Nabeel if not asking too much.

    would deploy as standard in the Admin can create a mysql and Schedules Schedules, a field to fill alternate airport. beta


    Nabeel se não fosse pedir muito.

    teria como implantar como padrão no Admin edite  Schedules e um mysql Schedules , um campo para preenchimento de aeroporto de alternativa. beta

  11. en

    Is this the right to put in schedule_briefing.tpl


    sera que este da certo para colocar em schedule_briefing.tpl

    // Função para transformar strings em Maiúscula ou Minúscula com acentos
    // $palavra = a string propriamente dita
    // $tp = tipo da conversão: 1 para maiúsculas e 0 para minúsculas
    function convertem($term, $tp) {
        if ($tp == "1") $palavra = strtr(strtoupper($term),"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm","QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM");
        elseif ($tp == "0") $palavra = strtr(strtolower($term),"QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM","qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm");
        return $palavra;
    // Exemplo de Utilização - Maiúscula
    $exemplo1 = "notícias";
    echo convertem($exemplo1, 1);
    // Exemplo de Utilização - Minúscula
    $exemplo2 = "NOTÍCIAS";
    echo convertem($exemplo2, 0);

  12. en

    Morning Nabeel have a doubt

    I'm a problem for the link


    the letters are capitalized but only open off with letters miúsculas

    would change

    check out the links  (((SBCY)))



    Bom dia Nabeel tenho uma duvida

    estou com problema para um dos link


    as letras estão em maiúsculas mas só abri se fora com letras miúsculas

    teria como mudar

    confira os links  (((SBCY)))


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