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Everything posted by massilia68

  1. Hello, I have a little problem with the schedules, when I create a flight plan in phpvms on my Kacars software he found me, but on the site when I search by departure airport, arrival, it loads and nothing appears. Do you have any idea? Thank you very much !
  2. Hello, I change the color of the water and landscap on my live map, how can I add this code or should I add? [ { "featureType": "landscape.natural", "stylers": [ { "color": "#ffffff" } ] },{ "featureType": "water", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" } ] } ] it is a json code recovered here http://www.dwzone-it.com/StyledMapWizard/StyledMapWizard.asp Thank you very much
  3. Hello, Is-that someone would have an idea to remove the bottom of the site http://www.happy-flight-fs.com/flightlog/phpvms/index.php/acars/viewmapbig. To have LiveMap in full ? Thank you very much !
  4. There are no worries thank you, your help makes me enormously !
  5. Thank you Skyline all that helped me a lot! Is it possible to open the map in full on another page ?
  6. Hello thank you all everything works perfectly! One last thing and I do bothers you more, really would be nice if you could tell me how to put a button to enlarge LiveMap? Thank you very much
  7. Hello, thank you for your help to make the 360 pictures that I can do. What I can not do is create a script that put a InAir airline for each entry (for exemple : Airfrance InAIR Blue, Transavia InAir green ...). Thank you
  8. Yes that's exactly it, I already view what will a full LiveMap, it does not bother me ccréer icons, but I rather struggle with the js. How I could do to put a different InAir the for each airline is LiveMap you know?
  9. Hello, I would like to know how you do to integrate a button that opens page with Full LiveMap. Is it possible to put a different InAir for each airline on LiveMap? Thank you!
  10. Hello, thank you very much for your help everything works, I put my 5.2 server and everything works again !
  11. Hello, I am sharing this topic because I hugely Error phpvms, most of the time I get an error "Strict Standards: Accessing static property PIREPAdmin" that could come my SQL? On the other hand I do not see in panel administration the routes, schedules, pilot, while are present in my SQL. And JSON graphic that was eg dashboard "Pilot Reports for the Past Week" does not work it tells me this error "Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <br /> " Thank you for your help
  12. okaye Thank you anyway
  13. I have see several company is therefore this system should be probably be.
  14. Sorry, I wonder if it is possible that when the frequency is changed FSX frequency also changes in mumble? Thank you
  15. Okaye thank you very much !
  16. okay thank you but i use kacars custom or free ? And the livemp run with kacars Free ?
  17. Hello, that is I cannot make of send log on fsacars?
  18. Hello, I would like to know how I can solve the problem for this error when i send de Flight plan "No Log File For that company/pilot". Here is the stages which I make on fsacars : --select company --aircraft on departure airport -- Flight Plan --START LOG --Start Flight dump When my flight is finished : --stop log --send log (checked my VA ID-pilot number) --I received an error message as "No log file for that company/pilot" Thank You !
  19. Hello, I would like to know if it is possible that when we change frequency on FSX the frequency becomes moldy in mumble? Thank you
  20. Hello, i have small problem with adding airport list on phpvms_aiports (SQL) the sending is running but on phpvms admistrator in aiports i have no aiport and on the livemap points of track flight plan its not exactly so its not working. Thank you !
  21. Hello, How to resize the map because goes out of the template ? Thank you
  22. Hello, i have open run-test.php and there is : phpVMS API Unit Tests Core API Tests Checking geonames server Fail: PIREP Testing -> testRetrieveAirport -> Not equal expectation fails [boolean: false] matches at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/ops_test.php line 26] Checking phpVMS API server Fail: PIREP Testing -> testRetrieveAirport -> Not equal expectation fails [boolean: false] matches at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/ops_test.php line 34] Exception: PIREP Testing -> testRetrieveAirport -> Unexpected PHP error [Trying to get property of non-object] severity [E_NOTICE] in [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/core/common/OperationsData.class.php line 699] Exception: PIREP Testing -> testRetrieveAirport -> Unexpected PHP error [Trying to get property of non-object] severity [E_NOTICE] in [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/core/common/OperationsData.class.php line 699] findSchedules Pass: PIREP Testing->testFindSchedules->Not equal expectation passes as [Array: 1 items] does not match [boolean: false] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/ops_test.php line 42] Find disabled schedules Fail: PIREP Testing -> testFindSchedules -> Not equal expectation fails [NULL] matches at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/ops_test.php line 47] Checking to see if flight numbers are parsed Fail: RouteTester -> testExtractRoute -> Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [] and [VMA] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/routes_tests.php line 19] Fail: RouteTester -> testExtractRoute -> Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [VMA1234A] and [1234A] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/routes_tests.php line 20] Fail: RouteTester -> testExtractRoute -> Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [] and [VMA] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/routes_tests.php line 24] Fail: RouteTester -> testExtractRoute -> Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [VMA324AB] and [324AB] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/routes_tests.php line 25] Fail: RouteTester -> testExtractRoute -> Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [] and [VMS] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/routes_tests.php line 29] Fail: RouteTester -> testExtractRoute -> Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [VMS3030B] and [3030B] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/routes_tests.php line 30] Checking Times Time added, all PIREPS at once Fail: TimesTester -> testTimesAdded -> Not equal expectation fails [integer: 0] matches at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/times_test.php line 29] Time added, pilot by pilot Fail: TimesTester -> testTimesAdded -> Not equal expectation fails [integer: 0] matches at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/times_test.php line 42] Comparing pilot to pilot vs all PIREPS Pass: TimesTester->testTimesAdded->Equal expectation [string: 0.00] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/times_test.php line 45] Compare to STAT total hours Pass: TimesTester->testTimesAdded->Equal expectation [string: 0.00] at [/public_html/site/fsx/phpvms/unittest/tests/times_test.php line 49] 4/4 test cases complete: 3 passes, 11 fails and 2 exceptions. can you help please ? Thank you very much !
  23. Hello, I am quite new on PHPVMS and FSACARS, I would like to know if there is modification to be made on PHPVMS for the livemap because when I launch FSACARS with the .ini file of it GO and I click on send log my plane does not appear das the livemap. Thank you for your help!
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