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Posts posted by goldenairways

  1. I have a similar issue. However neither my live map or pireps are submitting and I do have the config file, I am going to re-install it but it doesn't seem to work so I will be supprised. I start the ACARS but nothing happens on the website.

  2. Ok, how do I upgrade to the beta? Also this is the last problem I have with ACARS, on my livemap page my ACARS flight still seems to be up there, and I closed FS and stopped the log, etc. This was a few hours ago now.

  3. Yea, I know about this however I have been taking everything into consideration and the details the FSACARS is giving out hasn't even come up in flight simulator. Here is a screenshot for an example:


    And I checked that it'd uploaded straight away. But I am considering doing a return flight but using Xacars instead since I have read some things about that too. Do you think FSACARS is best or Xacars?

  4. I am trying out ACARS for a EGLL-KMIA flight, however its been 15 minutes and I am not sure how acurate it is. Because while I was taxiing it said I was taking off, thats not a huge concern however it says that I am over the welsh border but alot more north than I am, I am infact exactly on my flight path at this time, and it says that I am crusing about 1 minute after I took off, and I was climbing to FL250. There are loads of other things but I am not really sure why it is so inacurate, I was expecting for it to be precise pretty much, some of the info its telling me, I don't know how its come up with that.

  5. This idea has been in my head for a while now, because although there is phpBB modules which can automatically register people in, it'd be really cool if the forums connected to the same MySQL table for the pilots and users, so after you have installed it the users are on there and do not need to log in to the other forums.

    So this is my basic idea, a simple discussion board (which can be made more advanced as versions are updated) and the user database is simply connected to the exact table which phpVMS uses. Simple.

    Also the administrators, staff as well as pilots are automatically distinguished and ranks, flight hours, etc are displayed too. I think it'd be really cool to have this, if enough people like the idea, I will probably start making it. Any questions, just ask.

  6. I have now relaunched my PIREP system and Golden Airway's is now flying again. If you notice any issues please let me know, but I think its clean and tidy.

    I have noticed that the text goes past the sidebar and stuff but I am going to sort that out and the menu names are close together, appart from that I like the design. Thanks.

    Go to www.goldenairways.co.uk today!

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