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Daniel Gallagher

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Everything posted by Daniel Gallagher

  1. does anyone have any more websites where i could enquire at?
  2. yeah i know, i just don't feel like i can spare enough time to try and code the website... it would be much easier if i was to ask someone to make if for me and i just input the pages and info. I have had some quotes from some people, i am still looking though, to see if i can get one any cheaper
  3. does anyone have any?
  4. yeah, i have master collection cs5 as well... but i'm not too familiar with coding so i have no idea how or where to start to edit the website. that's why i think it would be easier to ask someone else to do it. not only that, but then your website looks completely different to anyone else's because the skin has been custom made for you and it's not based on a template that anyone can download.
  5. The virtual airline that I was previously closed down and I was thinking about starting it up again using phpVMS instead of vafs. However, i don't know much about it and was wondering if someone would be able to offer me suggestions of websites that design skins for cheap. I do know that there are some free skins on the forums but they aren't customised to the virtual airline and are a bit of a hassle to edit. If anyone would like to give me a link i would appreciate it. Thanks, Daniel
  6. how do i change the width of the live acars map?
  7. fixed it now
  8. i tried having a look in the tpl file but couldn't find anything to change :/ wondering if you would be able to post where and what i should change? thanks
  9. Does anyone know how i would be able to remove the top pilot sorted by hours table?
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