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  1. Hello! I develop ACARS for phpVMS 7 with Visual C# WPF, and I have some problem by collect X-API-KEY. I was try to use Laravel Passport(aka oAuth module), But phpVMS API's are linked with X-API-KEY so It's very difficult to migration with phpVMS 7. Now I try to use Webbrowser for login, and parse html source for collect X-API-KEY. If you login with ID and password in phpVMS 7, You can see your X-API-KEY in html source, So I decide to make with this source. but Webpage's UI is different with ACARS program's UI, and I have many problem for design our UI when I get API-KEY with this solution. I want to solve this problem, How can I get X-API-KEY without Webbrowser module? Thanks for read this post, and I will wait for reply
  2. Use another browser like Edge, I got this error when use Chrome
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