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Joshua John

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Posts posted by Joshua John

  1. Like someone said before get rid of the advertisment and maybe replace it with a logo or something, will make it look much better. If you don't want to get rid of the ad then maybe place it in the footer or on the side of your site.

    Once you get the hang of editing it, you can see how simple it is. For instance this site was our old ObsessBlue design http://www.virginatlanticva.co.uk/josh'>http://www.virginatlanticva.co.uk/josh we used this template as a base and started editing it from there and this is what we have now http://www.virginatlanticva.co.uk which only took 2 days to do!

    A good tool I find useful if your using Firefox is "Firebug" you can edit the HTML, CSS etc from firebug without having to edit the files of your site so say your not sure how to do something you can change it in Firebug and it will come up so if you do it wrong just refresh the page and its gone and if you do it right then just copy it to your files.

    Hi all,

    So I set the live map on the frontpage and changed the co-ordinates to zoom over the UK but this done something to the pilot data below not sure why.

    So I have changed the map co-ordinates back to the original and all seems to be working again.

    anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks Scott

    Could you explain a little bit more, what exactly happens to the data?

    Need any help feel free to PM me or something, Im not the best at editing but I'll try and help ya out. :)

  2. va_logo.jpg

    As of today Ross Burke and Robert King officially leave us. With this Ross Burke has now requested we take down the website and so we are no longer allowed to use VASytems but the good thing out of this is we get to come back to phpVMS!

    We have successfully managed to intergrate our design into phpVMS but due to the move back to phpVMS we have now lost all pilots. If you was a pilot for us and wish to sign back up you can and will only take a few minutes as the Exam is no longer in use. Also if you have hours to transfer then please email them to transferhours@virginatlanticva.co.uk

    I would like to apologize for this and even more to those pilots who were mid-flight when this happened. As Ross Burke has now deleted all files from the server there is no longer anyway to recover any PIREPS or Pilot Information.


    Virgin Atlantic Virtul Staff


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